
Fishing Reports

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports (Page 13)

Henry’s Lake, July 27th, 2024

Fishing on Henry’s Lake may be relatively slow, but trout population and status research conducted by IDF&G has been great. The studies headed by biologist Nate Tillotson have been published and are available to the public on the IDF&G’s News Release web site. This is an extensive study and results of it are overall good with a few not so good findings (i e. Utah chub population). If you are a Henry’s Lake fishing fan, take time to read it!


Still Waters, July 27th, 2024

There has been a fish kill on American Falls Reservoir where about 250 dead rainbow trout have been found along the shoreline between the boat dock and the dam. Low dissolved oxygen content appears to be the reason. IDF&G personnel are searching the reservoir to determine if further kills are present. Only rainbow trout appear to be impacted to date.


Henry’s Fork, July 24th, 2024

The major mayfly hatching period is coming to an end but will resume in a smaller form later this summer. AM spinner falls could bring some fishing action. Summer weather is bringing on the terrestrial insect season along the entire river. Good water quality reigns supreme, but daytime water temperatures are getting high. Plan to fish the lower river early and late in the day for quite some time now. Thunder storm threatening days are predicted for later this week. These could improve what is left of mayfly activity.  If you can tolerate the recreationists in Box Canyon, two nymph rigs and rubber leg patterns fished deep can bring action. So can ant patterns presented along shorelines.

Flies to fish:


South Fork, July 24th, 2024

Water flow out of Palisades Dam has been dropped step-wise from 12000 cfs on July 19th  to about 9600 cfs.  This is around 10-15 per cent below normal for this time of the season. This brings more wading opportunities along the river. Still there is plenty of quality water for fish. Fishing success can be a bit spotty, so it is a bit of a challenge to find where fish are foraging on such as caddis flies, golden stones, PMDs and other forms.  That is the advantage of float-fishing compared to wading.

Flies to fish:


Yellowstone National Park, July 24th, 2024

It is time to use terrestrial insect patterns on any meadow reach of park streams. The Yellowstone River below and above Hayden Valley is a real good choice for large Yellowstone Cutthroat trout. But consider that with this super warm summer, those above LeHardy Rapids may soon begin heading back to the lake.  Anywhere the river is open above the falls, green drake and PMD life cycle patterns still work. Terrestrial insect patterns, especially those for ants are becoming good for top water fishing.  Try these around Nez Perce Ford. Low light conditions, like evenings?  Try streamer patterns of choice

Flies to fish:


Southwest Montana, July 24th, 2024

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks has extended hoot owl restrictions on the Madison River to include the section from the Yellowstone Park boundary downstream to Hebgen Lake.  Centennial Valley streams are at flows below base level. Deep, cool Elk and Hidden lake offer good fishing for westslope cutts (Elk Lake) and rainbow trout (Hidden Lake). A few gulpers are appearing on Hebgen’s Madison Arm.


Still Waters, July 24th, 2024

Thoughtful anglers are leaving those impoundments and lakes with high water temperatures alone until summer cools. Temperatures in shallow areas of so many of these are now nearing or slightly higher than seventy Deg. F. Waiting for cooler water helps minimize the stress of being caught then played on the hosted trout population. The higher the water temperature the less the chances of surviving this activity.


Small Streams, July 24th, 2024

Palisades Creek has good water conditions for hosted trout because of Lower Palisades Lake about four miles upstream from the campground trailhead. It is not a large lake but deep enough to provide cold water into the outlet creek. In addition, springs along the creek put in enough cool water to help make this stream an excellent habitat for trout on down to the trail head. It is mostly inhabited by cutthroat trout, but some hybrids have been caught below the lake.  Caddis and isoperla stoneflies with a few mayflies mixed in are what attract trout here, so life cycle patterns for these should be considered. Just above the lake the creek has a different character. We will discuss it later.

Flies to fish:


Still Waters, July 20th, 2024

The summer doldrums are here unless you know of submerged springs or significant inlets. Your best fishing success here will be early or late in the day. and at these times, look for the taking depth with nymph patterns submerged under a indicator. As with some of our streams, if water warms to around 70 deg. F. consider another place to try for salmonids because being caught and played to possession makes for tough recovery.


Small Streams, July 20th, 2024

Teton River

The Teton River in the basin is really rounding into shape with PMDs, sallies and some golden stoneflies providing good top water action. The best fishing on the the river is here even though recreational floaters can interfere momentarily. Below, canyon waters are warming through holding heat during hot days. The upper Blackfoot River is in good shape with its meadow reaches being populated by growing grasshopper populations. Mayflies are sparse here, but PM caddis flies make for good top water fishing.
