
Fishing Reports

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports (Page 140)

Still Waters 5-4-19

As suggested in the last fishing report, here is IDF&G’s  target Southeast Idaho District fish stocking plan.  Most of the plan is for stocking still waters, but some streams are also targeted.  Currently Daniels Reservoir offers the best fishing in the District thanks to the active chironomid population. The Dairy Creek road is open and the reservoir has near capacity pool. Hawkins Reservoir  also offers good fishing, but is more crowded than Daniels. No word yet on how fishing at Chesterfield Reservoir is doing.

Fish Stocking Forecasts | Idaho Fish and Game


Body of Water Week To Be Stocked Number To Be Stocked
Bear River Below Oneida Dam  Apr 29-May 3 1500
Crystal Springs Pond Apr 29-May 3 375
Deep Creek Reservoir Apr 29-May 3 3990
East Fork Rock Creek Apr 29-May 3 500
Hawkins Reservoir Apr 29-May 3 840
Trout Creek Apr 29-May 3 2000
Bannock Reservoir May 6-10 500
Devils Creek Reservoir May 6-10 2160
Edson Fichter Pond May 6-10 625
Montpelier Reservoir May 6-10 3500
Portneuf River  May 6-10 330
Upper Pleasantview Reservoir May 6-10 1500
Dingle Gravel Pond May 13-17 500
Kelly Park Pond May 13-17 250
McTucker Pond May 13-17 750
Rose Pond May 13-17 1000
Weston Creek Reservoir May 13-17 1500
Bannock Reservoir May 20-24 500
Bear River Below Oneida Dam  May 20-24 1500
Blackfoot River  May 20-24 1000
Crowthers Reservoir May 20-24 1100
Crystal Springs Pond May 20-24 375
Cub River  May 20-24 500
Dingle Gravel Pond May 20-24 500
Edson Fichter Pond May 20-24 625
Kelly Park Pond May 20-24 250
Little Valley Reservoir May 20-24 1000
Mill Creek May 20-24 250
Montpelier Rearing Pond May 20-24 250
Portneuf River  May 20-24 330
Bloomington Creek May 27-31 200
Cherry Creek May 27-31 100
Montpelier Rearing Pond May 27-31 250
Paris Creek May 27-31 250
Pebble Creek May 27-31 500
Snake River  May 27-31 4000
Snake River  May 27-31 1000
Topance Creek May 27-31 750

South Fork 4-30-19

Flow out of Palisades Dam was dropped from just under 18000 cfs to 14900 cfs yesterday. Palisades Reservoir is about 60 % full, and the run-off peak is yet to come.  So the South Fork will be high and wild for weeks to come.  If you plan on fishing it, go heavy on those weighted nymphs and streamers.


Still Waters 4-30-19

May is the time of year the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDF&G) begins their widespread stocking program. Roads are shaping up to the point that they can access many relatively remote still waters, and this action helps answer public demand for fishing which climbs with improving weather.  The  IDF&G stocking program seems to focus mainly on still waters, but certain streams receive a share. Rainbow trout are the usual salmonid stocked in the Upper Snake Region. The table below, taken from recent IDF&G stocking records, shows the where and when target these rainbow trout will be placed in the Upper Snake River Region.

Body of Water Week To Be Stocked Number To Be Stocked
Birch Creek Apr 29-May 3 2375
Mackay Reservoir Apr 29-May 3 2100
Rexburg City Ponds Apr 29-May 3 600
Ryder Park Pond Apr 29-May 3 750
Ryder Park Riverside Pond Apr 29-May 3 750
Snake River Apr 29-May 3 1200
Teton River Apr 29-May 3 1000
Buffalo River May 6-10 1000
East Harriman Fish Pond May 6-10 1500
East Harriman Fish Pond May 6-10 1500
Henrys Fork May 6-10 2500
Ririe Reservoir May 6-10 6700
Trail Creek Pond May 6-10 400
Warm River May 6-10 450
Henrys Fork May 13-17 2500
Island Park Reservoir May 13-17 9600
Ryder Park Pond May 13-17 750
Ryder Park Riverside Pond May 13-17 750
Birch Creek May 20-24 2375
Blue Creek Reservoir May 20-24 2000
Henrys Fork River May 20-24 2500
Mackay Reservoir May 20-24 2100
Sand Creek WMA Pond #1 May 20-24 3500
Sand Creek WMA Pond #4 May 20-24 2700
Willow Creek May 20-24 500
Henrys Fork May 27-31 2500
Horseshoe Lake May 27-31 2000
Jim Moore Pond May 27-31 1800
Snake River May 27-31 1200
Snow Creek Pond May 27-31 800
Warm River May 27-31 450

In our next fishing report, we will pass on the same stocking information for IDF&G’s Southeast Idaho Region.


Henry’s Fork 4-27-19

The river from Warm River to Ashton is fishing in a slow manner. Wind and water conditions are the reasons. Ashton Reservoir Reservoir, acting as a settling basin, makes for better fishing below with BWOs, midges, and some small stoneflies providing some dry fly action when wind allows. Presenting streamer and big stonefly nymphs patterns provide the best fishing here.


Still Waters 4-27-19

Hawkins Reservoir has turned over and fishing is sure to improve.  It looks like ice has not yet left Chesterfield Reservoir. Daniels Reservoir should be turning over any time now, but the road from Hawkins Reservoir is likely not open.   For now the trip from Malad is the best way to reach it.  Springfield Reservoir has been fishing in a spotty manner.  Midge pupa patterns under an indicator seem to work best.  but finding the taking depth is needed. Small black leeches also work. Consider placing them under an indicator then use an ultra slow retrieve.  Ice should be leaving Hebgen Lake any day now.


South Fork 4-27-19

South Fork Electrofishing Schedule


Section of River

Tuesday, April 23 Lufkin bottom to Dry Canyon
Wednesday, April 24 Hwy 26 bridge to Indian Creek
Thursday, April 25 Palisades Creek to Sheep Creek
Tuesday, April 30 Hwy 26 bridge to Indian Creek
Wednesday, May 1 Palisades Creek to Sheep Creek
Thursday, May 2 Lufkin bottom to Dry Canyon
Tuesday, May 7 Hwy 26 bridge to Indian Creek
Wednesday, May 8 Palisades Creek to Sheep Creek
Thursday, May 9 Lufkin bottom to Dry Canyon
Tuesday, May 14 Hwy 26 bridge to Indian Creek
Wednesday, May 15 Palisades Creek to Sheep Creek
Thursday, May 16 Lufkin bottom to Dry Canyon
Tuesday, May 21 Hwy 26 bridge to Indian Creek
Wednesday, May 22 Palisades Creek to Sheep Creek
Thursday, May 23 Lufkin bottom to Dry Canyon

* All dates are subject to change due to weather and other factors. For the most current updates please visit the Upper Snake page on the Idaho Department of Fish and Game website or the Upper Snake Region Facebook page.



Henry’s Fork 4-9-19

BWOs are out along the lower river, and fish are just beginning to key on them. The unsettled weather predicted to come for the next several days could see more fish keying on them during afternoon hours. Stonefly nymph imitations and rubber leg patterns drifted along the stream bed are producing quite well, and streamer patterns continue to provide action especially during low light conditions.


South Fork 4-9-19

Flow out of Palisades Dam has been pegged at around 7800 cfs for about a week.  Pailsades Reservoir is about three-quarters full (one quarter empty if you come in through the back door). So with all the snow melt yet to come down, flow increases  out of the reservoir are sure to return so the run-off can be contained.


Henry’s Fork 3-23-19

Flow below Ashton Dam is a bit higher ( 1400 cfs) than normal (1100 cfs) with the river in good shape. Fishing is good if such as rubber legs and streamers are presented.  No BWOs to speak of yet, but plenty of midges.  So life cycle patterns of these might get you some top water action.
