
Fishing Reports

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports (Page 156)

Main Stem Snake River 11-28-17

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Flow out of Palisades Reservoir certainly impacts flow in the Snake River down to American Falls Reservoir this time of year when water use for agricultural purposes greatly diminish. Currently flows in this part of the river are around double historical averages at nearly all gauge stations. Because Palisades Reservoir is near capacity, flow will likely remain higher than the historical average  with the possibility of increasing  during the winter. As with the South Fork reach above the Henry’s Fork confluence, walk-in-wade fishing will be tougher, but fish will benefit greatly.  Presenting streamer patterns will be the best way to encounter fish in the river during the winter season.


South Fork 11-28-17

At Heise Br. (640x480)

Palisades Reservoir seems to be filling. Volume of water there was 95% capacity a few days ago, now it is 97% capacity. Look for flows into the South Fork to remain about where they are now ( about 4200 cfs) with future increases out of Palisades Reservoir possible.  Although walk-in-wade fishing will be a bit tougher than in past winters, fish will be the big winners of these flows if they last through the winter.  Whether or not we have high water conditions during spring and summer of 2018 depends on snowfall amounts this coming winter.  Until springtime midge hatches will provide top water fishing, while presenting streamer patterns and nymph patterns ranging from small bead heads to larger rubber leg types will result in the best techniques for sub-surface fishing.


Henry’s Fork 11-21-17



With respect to BWO and midge activity, conditions on the lower river are much the same as those on the South Fork. Upcoming weather and fewer daylight hours means more overhead cover.  So with mild but unsettled weather coming up, now is a good time to give the lower river a try. Presenting small flies will be the name of the game for top water fishing.  Presenting soft hackle patterns just under the surface during BWO activity can be particularly rewarding, and presenting streamers will be the best way to encounter larger fish anywhere on the river.  BWO and midge hatches will slow on the river in Island Park, although presenting streamers remains effective in such as Box Canyon and The Tubs area.  Winter conditions prevail on the river in Island Park, so venturing to the river there means taking precautions for such as well as being aware of any upcoming hazardous travel conditions.


South Fork 11-21-17

Rolly at Dam_Small

Flow out of Palisades Dam was raised to 3130 cfs last Thursday ( upping flow at Heise to almost 3600 cfs).  With Palisades Reservoir about 95% full and at least normal snowfall expected this winter in the Snake River drainage, look for flows below Palisades Dam to be higher this winter than in recent years. A forecast for mild weather for this week should result in good BWO activity. Midge activity remains consistently good, and presenting streamer patterns under low light conditions is a sure way to find action from migrating browns and the rainbows following them this time of year.


Closeout Sale Fall/Winter 2017

We have a ton of marked down Simms Boots (G4 boa, G3, Rivertek Boa, Freestone) and a few G3 Stockingfoot and Bootfoots on closeout here at the shop. The discounts are significant! This is a great time to pick up some quality gear as Simms products do not go on sale very often. Call us (208-524-7160) or stop in at the shop before they are all gone!


South Fork and Main

As Flows on the south fork drop to around 2,500 cfs out of Palisades dam, we are starting to see what the wade options are going to look like during the first part of the fall and winter months. Talk is that the river flows will be re-evaluated after the 1st of December, in which case will most likely be increased. This can mean some good news for the boat fisherman, as float will take less time to complete, and you will be able to cover more water. For the wade fisherman these changes will have more effect than in winters past where we are use to seeing the flow around 1,200.

As for the current conditions, the South Fork streamer fishing has been pretty good on cloudy days, and even on some random sunny days as well.. Color is the name of the game her, so bring your sparkle, white, yellow, tans, and olives. Some days the darker colors really do well, but overall this river seems to respond best to brighter, and flashier patterns.

Dry fly fishing is good, but as per usual, the cloudy days reign supreme. Fish size 18-20 BWO patterns, and 18-20 midge  patterns. Back eddies are a great option for finding fish feeding on the surface.

Try fishing nymphs from the boat set at 5-6 feet for floating. I generally run much deeper when standing on a riffle, and in most cases would recommend the same. Use a small rubberlegs, a san juan work, or a big caddis pattern, trailed by a small beadhead mayfly nymph in the size 14-18 range. If in doubt, a red Zebra midge will usually get the job done as a trailer fly.

As for fishing on the main (Idaho Falls to American Falls), the streamer is the main game here, as browns are in their pre spawn, and are on the streamer bite pretty well. Patterns I usually do best on are Tan or natural peanut envys, and sex dungeons, but like anywhere changing pattern and color can sometimes make the difference.

American Falls is running at 2,100 cfs, and the wade fishing is much tougher than usual. The water had changed colors the last time I was there a couple days ago, leaving the visibility at roughly 2′ tops. I would recommend that anybody planning on wading there to bring a wading staff so they can poke around before they step. Flies that are fishing well is pretty much any beadhead nymph in a size 12-18, and dead drifted streamer patterns. If your into dry fly fishing, you can fish blue winged olives and find success.



Today at Jimmy’s 10-31-17



We will begin our fly tying demo season on Saturday, November 25th.   Barring holidays, we will schedule a tier each Saturday into March.  As in the past, each demo will begin 10:00 AM at the shop and extend into the early afternoon.  Expect details not only on how to tie a demonstrated pattern, but information on how it should be presented. The beginning of the tier schedule will be posted soon on our web site.






Yellowstone Park 10-31-17

The Yellowstone Park fishing season ends at the end of the day Sunday, November 5th.  Want enjoy those migrating brown and rainbow trout, or those BWO sipping Firehole browns and ‘bows? Better hurry! Looks like the right kind of weather (stormy) will be present
