
Fishing Reports

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports (Page 171)

South Fork 11-12-15

We’ve had a spell of colder than normal daytime temperatures which appear to be a factor in slowing fishing on the river. The biggest impact is on top water fishing (BWOs and midges). Browns are moving and streamers presented under low light conditions remains effective. Flow out of Palisades Dam is 900cfs, the winter maintenance level. At Heise flow increases to 1300 cfs. Such flows make for great wading conditions. There are a ton of places to choose from to do so. Get it touch or visit us for information on which may be best to try.


Henry’s Lake 11-10-15

The lake is beginning to ice over. Some of the north shore is already there. Fishing in shallow water remains good, but you’d better hurry to enjoy it. Colder weather is in the forecast for later this week If it happens during calm weather, guess what’ll happen to the rest of the lake!


Henry’s Fork 11-3-15

For the lower river, same as with the South Fork and the main stem Snake River: water is lower than normal, and brown trout are migrating. And likewise dress warmly, keep streamer patterns close by,and wade carefully.


Henry’s Lake 11-3-15

With weather cooling off, big question is “when will the lake freeze up?” As soon as we hear, we will post that info here because when freeze-up comes boating isn’t practical, let alone wading! For now it’s a good idea to consult state highway web page for road conditions before deciding to take part in the on-going good fishing.


Mainstem Snake River 11-3-15

Flow throughout the river above American Falls Reservoir is a bit below normal, and brown trout are migrating. Candidate locations to try abound, and presenting big streamer patterns under low-light conditions is the best way to encounter these fish. Visit us at the shop, and we can point out some of the likely best locations for doing so. Flow out of American Falls Dam is a bit over 400 cfs meaning fish really will be concentrated around deeper water. Streamer patterns will be the best way to encounter these fish. Expect plenty of company doing the same.


South Fork 11-3-15

Flow out of Palisades Dam was reduced yesterday to 887 cfs. That’s right around the winter maintenance flow of 900 cfs.  Flow at Heise is 1400 cfs. Flow going into Palisades Reservoir is close to 3000 cfs, so storage for 2016 irrigation season has begun.  Let’s  hope there will be water in abundance for users and recreationists alike in 2016.

It’s great weather for encountering migrating brown trout, and it looks like that will be the case for the next several day.  Dress warmly, keep your favorite streamer patterns handy, and wade carefully!


Henry’s Lake 10-31-15

If you enjoy fishing Henry’s Lake with bad weather, the upcoming days will make you happy. Because so many folks say the best fishing on Henry’s Lake is under these conditions, may be now is the time to go there. Dress for foul weather, concentrate on fishing shallow water,and present standard Henry’s Lake flies on an intermediate line.


Henry’s Fork 10-31-15

Same as with the South Fork: wind is keeping BWOs down along the lower river. Presenting streamer patterns is the best way to encounter big browns, and this windy cloudy weather with threat of rain/snow weather is just right for good results in doing so.


South Fork 10-31-15

That wind is keeping the BWOs down even with the present overcast.  Try midge emerger patterns if you’re into top water fishing this time of year. Otherwise presenting streamer patterns for migrating browns is the way to encounter some big trout this time of year. Flow out of Palisades Dam is about 1150 cfs, a bit over the winter management flow of 900 cfs which will come soon. Flow at Heise is currently about 1500 cfs.
