Green Drake Madness is Here
Golden stoneflies are around with best numbers on the upper river. Caddis are everywhere. Now the major mayfly hatches are taking over on the lower river and moving on up in a major sense. Green drakes, PMDs with PM BWOs will make up the major activities for weeks to come. Fishing the river on the Flat Ranch Preserve is OK, but because so little water was released from Henry’s Lake earlier in the spring ( about 45 cfs maximum ) fish flushed in from the lake are down in number compared to years when 100 cfs and more were released.
Water Quality Information from Dr. Rob Van Kirk’s SWE Report Filed Yesterday
Water quality is excellent throughout the watershed. Turbidity is below average watershed-wide, and dissolved oxygen concentrations are good to excellent. Water temperature was above average again yesterday although within the optimal range for trout growth and activity at most locations for most of the day. Hatch timing is within a day of average watershed-wide.
Rob Van Kirk, Ph.D.
Science and Technology Director
Henry’s Fork Foundation
P.O. Box 550
Ashton, ID 83420
208-881-3407 CELL