
Fishing Reports

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports (Page 186)

Yellowstone Park 5-30-15

The Firehole River is producing up to its early season reputation for fish responding to PMD, BWO, caddis life cycle and soft hackle patterns.  Big stoneflies coming out of Firehole Canyon are getting big time interest from upstream trout.  This is a relatively short event, so you’d better hurry if you want to enjoy it.  A few post spawning rainbows remain in the Madison River to take your streamer patterns.  Bechler River is fishable if you do not mind slogging through the wet meadows to present wet flies.  The same goes for Duck Creek.


South Fork 5-30-15

Flow out of Palisades Dam remains just over 10000 cfs, but is sure to be increased soon. We’ll keep you posted  when it happens. For now continue using the techniques we recommended: Clousers and stonefly nymphs, rubber legs, your favorite BWO nymph, and midge pupa patterns. Try trailing one of these behind your rubber legs pattern.


Henry’s Fork 5-26-15

Big stonefly event on the lower river is pretty much over. Just remember that several days afterwards fish will again look for the big bugs. That can be just in time for golden stoneflies to appear in big numbers.


Yellowstone Park 5-26-15

It was a stormy holiday weekend in the Park, but we hear those folks that braved the weather had good fishing in the Firehole River. Bad weather this time of year always means good fishing on the Firehole. With cool weather continuing into this week, fishing should hold up. Look for action from caddisflies, early season BWOs and increasing PMDs.  So be sure to have lifecycle patterns for these. Soft hackle patterns also produce, especially in tail-outs.


Small Streams 5-26-15

Are you looking for a small stream that is producing active fish? Try Warm River. Now that Memorial Day weekend has passed, crowds will decrease. Consider walking up the railroad grade from the Three Rivers area, or walk up from the campground. Fish are taking PMD and caddisfly life cycle patterns. Traditional dry fly patterns in smaller sizes will also produce in the faster water.  Soft hackled patterns always work on this stream.Try them just below Warm River Spring as well as on the lower river.


South Fork 5-26-15

Flow out of Palisades Dam was dropped from 13000 cfs to 10000 cfs yesterday. Streamer, big nymphs (Golden stone nymph patterns), and rubber leg patterns continue to produce best as larger fish are staying close to bottom where scoured food forms are drifting. Try midge pupa and your favorite BWO nymph patterns because river is beginning to warm. A few fish are taking BWO duns on the surface.

There was a  boat accident near Conant that proved fatal  this weekend. Please be careful not only when boating, but also while wading this powerful river.


Henry’s Lake 5-22-15

Expect crowds at places like the State Park, County Boat Dock, near the hatchery, and along the cliffs.  The lake has had a long time free of ice, but cool weather will help keep fish close to the shoreline.   Try some of the standard patterns such as California leeches, olive or gold crystals, mohair leeches, peacock AH, mity mouse, all on an intermediate or slow sinking line.


South Fork 5-22-15

Flow out of Palisades Dam was reduced to 12900 cfs early today. Water temp throughout the the river to Menan is in the mid forties in deg. F.  Fishing remains good partly because all recent flow reductions have been relatively small and water temp is climbing. Try rubberlegs, golden stone nymph patterns, olive or chartreuse clousers, sculpzillas.   For smaller patterns try BWO nymph and midge pupa patterns.


Henry’s Fork 5-22-15

Big stoneflies are just now beginning to emerge and fly in Box Canyon. Later this weekend should be the best time to get into fish taking them there.  From Riverside Campground down to Mesa Falls is a good bet to find fish taking the big bugs now, but be sure to have caddisfly life cycle patterns in that fly box. March brown dries still produce on the lower river.
