
Fishing Reports

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports (Page 209)

Big Lost 3-12

The Big Lost has been picking up lately with the nice weather. Good midge hatches and very few Blue Wing Olives. I would continue to look for a BWO hatch any day now. Nymphing a prince nymph and Zebra midges has also been very productive. Don’t forget a few BWO nymphs. We have a great selection here in the shop.


Salmon River 3-12

We wanted to give you all a heads up on the Steelhead fishing conditions in Salmon. All boat rams are open and accessible from Salmon down to North Fork. There is still a lot of self ice so be careful.


Salmon River Access 2-20-13

Just want to give you a heads up on the Salmon river for Steelhead Fishing. The only boat ramps available for floating is Shoup, Town and Carmen Boat ramps. All other boat ramps are froze shut. The river is in good condition but expect self ice along the banks. We will update you when we hear the boat ramps are clear.


Fishing report 2-15-2013

Hopefully all you guys out there have gotten out with this “warmer” weather we have had recently. We apologize for not updating the fishing report in such a long time, but there just has not been much going on. The Henry’s Fork and South Fork are fishing very well with the recent warmer weather. Nymph fishing continues to dominate, but if conditions are right fish can be had on top on small midge patterns. Jimmy has been having good luck with streamer patterns on sinking lines in the deep runs on the South Fork.

Springfield reservoir should be fishing well around the springs for those needing a stillwater fix. Fish at Springfield will respond to small (think size 16 and smaller) chironomid pupa and larvae patterns.

The Big Lost is fishing well on midge patterns and small nymphs.

It looks like things are steadily starting to get warmer so get out there and enjoy some good fishing and the small crowds! As always, if you guys have any questions about where to go and what to use stop in or give us a call.



Fishing Report 1/2/12

It is Cold!!! With all this cold weather, it is making fishing pretty tough. There is warmer weather in the forecast though, and with that better fishing will follow. Once things do warm up, nymphing area rivers with zebra midges, small pheasant tails, and your other favorite nymphs will be most productive. Springfield Reservoir should start fishing better too once things warm up. There, very small midges under an indicator will be your best bet.



South Fork 12-13

The South Fork has been fishing really good. We have had several reports from customers having good success. The majority of the fish have been caught on nymphs, Zebra Midges, small bead head Pheasant Tails and Chartreuse Egg patterns. A few people are floating Spring Creek to Conant, and Wolf to Byington. I still recommend wade fishing, however if I were to float it would be one of those two.


Main Stem Snake River 11-20-12

With flow slightly below normal, the river is in great shape for presenting streamers for migrating brown trout.  Sunset is earlier this time of year, and there are many convenient locations to wade the river.  So fishing the river is convenient.  If you feel you ate too much during that “Turkey Day Feast'” consider working some of it off wading the river before dark trying for a big brown.  If you want to improve your appetite for that feast, consider wading and casting beforehand.  Either way, getting out this time of year is a gift if weather is reasonably nice.   Happy Thanksgiving!


Still Waters 11-20-12

We have had several inquiries about fishing Chesterfield Reservoir.  From what we have heard fishing there is very good.  But because 60,000 hatchery ‘bows (enough to make smaller waters look like the contents of a sardine can!)  have been planted this fall, you will have to get through these to get to the big holdover fish.  Try your favorite patterns; all seem to work. Using midge pupa patterns expect to encounter more of the planted fish. Big leeches, scuds, & streamers give you a chance for holdovers bulking up for the winter.  Although water level is low, the reservoir is slowly filling which is good news for next year’s season.  Springfield Reservoir also has been stocked, but not with 60,000.  These fish will also take anything but not offer the best of fights.  As in Chesterfield, they will become stronger through the coming months.  Another good one to try is Daniels Reservoir.  Use same strategy as on Chesterfield, and expect that the larger wooly bugger types and streamers give a better chance at hold over fish.


South Fork 11-9

The South Fork flow out of Palisades Dam was dropped to 900 cfs this morning. Personally I was not expecting it to go this low.  I talked to Mike Beus at the Bureau of Reclamation and he informed me that flows will not change or go below this level for the entire winter. Fishing tactics have not changed and you should expect to see good Blue Wing Olive hatches this weekend with the cloudy weather.


South Fork 11-7

Flows have been reduced to 1,100 cfs. I don’t know if they will be dropped again. We will let you all know if that happens. I personally don’t think it will because the inflow is now great than the outflow and the resevior is begining to slowly fill. Floating is still an option at these flows but it will take you a long time to float traditional stretches you are used to in the summer time. We recommend smaller shorter floats, like Wolf to Byington, Irwin to Spring Creek, Spring Creek to Conant, Dam to Huskies and Lorenzo to Menan. However now that the flows have dropped this much wade fishing is also very accessible throughout the entire river.

Blue Wing Olives and midges have been hatching. The BWO fishing is much better on the cloudy days. Streamers have began to slow down a little but has still been effective. Again the cloudy days will produce more active fish on streamers. Nymphing is always a good option for catching fish right now. The moss is still present on the bottom of the river and nymphing can become frustrating cleaning all the moss off your flies. If you do nymph I would only drop my flies 4 feet from my indicator. Rubberlegs and Zebra midges have been my choice for nymphs. Copper Johns, blue wing olive nymphs and pheasant tails.
