
Fishing Reports

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports (Page 33)

Daily Opening Time Change

Beginning this week, Fly Fish Food-Jimmy’s will open Monday through Saturday at 10:00 AM rather than 9:00 AM. To coincide with this opening time change, Saturday Fly Tying Demos, free to the public, will begin at 10:30 AM to provide a half hour for demo tier set-up and the for public to begin attending.


South Fork, October 28th, 2023

Thanks to recent cold weather, these guys are gone

Wednesday there was another flow reduction. Here are current flows at three main gage stations: about 1750 cfs at Irwin, 2800 cfs at Heise, 1100 cfs at Lorenzo. Great flow for walk-in wade fishing, not so good for hard side boats and for fish. Let’s hope USBR does not lower flows further.


Main Stem Snake River, October 28th, 2023

Snake River at Freeman Park

It is the the best brown trout fishery in the area right now. There are several walk-in wade locations above and below American falls Dam, and much of the river is good water for boat fishing. Within the Idaho Falls city limits such places as Freeman Park have convenient access points. Pitching streamer patterns is the name of the game through using sink tip or intermediate lines. Placing flies in the right location is more important than pattern selection.


Yellowstone Park, October 28th, 2023

Most Park roads have been temporarily closed in order to clear snow. They close for good Wednesday, November 1st. That means no access to the Firehole River. Access to the lower Madison River can be done through Baker’s Hole Campground to get to the Beaver Meadows. Expect to walk through snow. The Park fishing season will be closed after the first Sunday in November.


Yellowstone Park, October 24th, 2023

This can happen during the late season

All brown trout runs are in full swing, but those close to roads are well attended by fly fishers (Gardner, Madison, Snake Rivers). Fewer attending fly fishers are on the Lewis River channle or at Lewis Lake outlet thanks to the weather conditions. Those conditons will worsen for the rt of the weeks, so be prepared for bad road conditions, snow, wind and reduced Park services. Presenting streamer or big nymph patterns of choice are the best ways to encounter aggressive browns this time if the season.


South Fork, October 24th, 2023

South Fork boat ramps won’t look like this until June of next year!

Flow out of Palisades /Dam was reduced a few days ago ( now about 2200 cfs at Irwin, 3200 cfs at Heise, 1200 cfs at Lorenzo). Water downstream to the Henry’s Fork confluence is cold and clear. BWO and midges make for the best hatches with mahogany duns beginning to diminish. Browns are migrating and becoming aggressive, so streamer patterns of choice will attract them. Walk-in wade conditions are about as good as can be. Unsettled weather is coming up for the rest of the week.


Big Lost River, October 24th, 2023

With a bit more than 100 cfs in flow coming out of Mackay Dam, the river is in ideal wading conditions. These flow conditions extend downstream as far as the Leslie township. If you visit the waters in the Leslie area, respect private land, but you are legal when staying within the river high water marks. BWO and midge activity will make for top water fishing, so bring their life cycle patterns to enjoy actively feeding fish, mostly rainbows with a sprinkling of brookies. Traditional nymph, small rubber leg and streamer patterns will also be effective.


Irrigation Canals, October 24th, 2023

The IDF&G has placed a salvage order on irrigation canals in the Upper Snake Region. These canals are identified on the IDF&G Upper Snake Region News Release page of their web site. Other pertinent information is present on the news release page.

The following angling requirements apply.

All bag, possession and size limits are suspended.

Fish may be taken by any method except firearms, explosives, chemicals, or electrical current.

Sturgeon may NOT be retained, must be immediately release alive, and must be reported to the Upper Snake Regional Office by calling (208) 525-7290.

No live fish may be transported from the place of capture.

A valid Idaho fishing license is still required.

Anglers are reminded that some segments of these canals are on private property and permission must be obtained from the landowner prior to fishing in those areas.


Henry’s Fork, October 24th, 2023

Headlines From Christina Morisett’s ( subbing for Rob Van Kirk who is taking time off to fish) Henry’s Fork drainage report filed yesterday

  • Last week was warm and dry.
  • Cold, wet weather is expected for the next week—including the possibility for snow.
  • Natural flow and diversion are 92% and 90% of average, respectively.
  • At an average outflow of 209 cfs, Island Park Reservoir gained 200 acre-ft/day over the weekend and is 72% full, compared to 52% full on average.
  • Christina Morrisett, PhD
  • Water Resources Consultant · Henry’s Fork Foundation

Henry’s Fork Foundation

P.O. Box 550

Ashton, ID 83420

Fun Farm Bridge at Dusk

With minimal wind, BWO and mahogany dun activity should be enhanced during unsettled weather coming the rest of the week. .Presenting streamer patterns of choice to migrating browns along the lower river and into good holding water anywhere in the upper river should be effective. But watch the weather because the first snows of the season mean many drivers have trouble adapting to slippery roads. Dress warmly, and be sure to fix any holes in those waders because water temps in the 40s, Deg. F leaking in can quickly dampen any trip to he waters!
