
Fishing Reports

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports (Page 36)

Main Stem Snake River, October 7th, 2023

Significant reduction of flow out of Palisades Dam will soon hit the river down to American Falls Reservoir. Brown trout migration is ongoing, so lower flows coming up will mean they will be more easily approached while moving. Look for lower flows in the river below American Falls dam as the reservoir is down to 19% of capacity, and water storage must soon begin.


Big Lost River, October 7th, 2023

Flow has leveled out at a bit more than 200 cfs below the dam. This means good wading conditions, and good BWO and midge activity making their life cycle patterns effective. Streamers and woolly bugger types in moderate sizes swung through deeper water will bring results, especially early and later in the day and during upcoming unsettled weather. Repairs are ongoing to the dam above, and completion will begin water storage with more drops in flow below. The reservoir above is reduced mostly to a mud flat with a few fish in the pool just above the dam. So most attractive fishing is in the river above and below.


South Fork, October 7th, 2023

Low flow: tough on boats, but great for wading

Flow has dropped like a rock ( now 2750 cfs at Irwin, 3750 cfs at Heise, 1240 cfs at Lorenzo) in the last few days. What is coming out of the dam now is about half of what was going out earlier in the week and signals that water storage season has begun in the reservoir above. It’s great news for walk-in wade fishing, tough news for folks using hard sided boats and telling fish to concentrate in water providing best cover. Unsettled weather is expected during upcoming mid-week and should will improve top water ( mostly through BWO and mahogany dun activity) and streamer fishing.


Yellowstone Park, October 7th, 2023

Leave them be! He’s trying to charm that lady enjoying a salad!

The BWOs and white millers still offer great top water fishing on the Firehole River, but days are getting shorter and cooler. That means it is wise to check weather conditions before a visit there, especially with unsettled weather moving in next week..

The other big Madison River drainage event is the run of browns and rainbows out of Hebgen Reservoir and into the Madison River drainage above. This event has attracted numerous fly fishers seeking a “Fish of the Year” Thus your best fishing will be if you are on the river at first light and walk away from any access points before crowds move in. Run your streamer patterns through the deepest holding water for the best results, and consider that fishing under stormy conditions will diminish crowds and make for more active fish.

One other thought for those fishing near moose habitat: this is the rutting season, so keep away from any bulls looking for a mate. If you hear or see a bull acing agitated and grunting, retreat and give him plenty of space. An attack from a raging bull, especially in the back country could be a disaster.


Henry’s Lake, October 3rd, 2023

October seems the best time to fish the lake, and the present unsettled weather will help bring that reputation happen. Some reports have fish moving to shallow water, and these opinions suggest fewer but larger fish in the lake. Those opinions remain to be seen as more anglers will be arriving. Effective and varied techniques will change as intermediate lines will be more suited for fishing in shallower water as will floating lines to present patterns suspended under indicators. Effective patterns are numerous this time of the season, and which of these are best depends on who you ask.


Small Streams, October 3rd, 2023

Lower Teton River

Some of our smaller rivers still offer fishing worth a visit. The lower Teton River is such a location. A way to enjoy this is to launch at the Hog Hollow Bridge and float downstream to take out at one of the locations below that is timely. A dense afternoon BWO emergence with trout responding this time of year is quite reliable, and with a deep frost yet to happen terrestrial insects remain. So such as BWO life cycle patterns, hopper-dropper rigs and streamer patterns are effective.

Now that flow out of the Blackfoot River Reservoir into the river below has been reduced, walk-in wade fishing can be another worthy destination. Hard sided boats are not practical this time of the season as flows are low enough to turn the river into a “rock garden.” Cutthroat and rainbow trout here range to trophy size, May fly activity is reduced to sporadic trico spinner falls, but terrestrial insect and caddis life cycle patterns will remain effective until a killing frost arrives.


Yellowstone Park, October 3rd, 2023

Lewis River Channel: Host of an Unmatched Brown Trout Migration

The most numerous brown trout spawning run in this area is beginning between Lewis and Shoshone Lakes. Browns from both lakes concentrate here this time of year in the river just below Shoshone Lake making an impressive presence. Most anglers motor across Lewis Lake, leave their boats at the north end of the lake, then walk up the river to present streamer and large woolly bugger patterns. The aggressive browns present range upwards in size to near 30 inches. However increased bank side angler traffic along the river reduces fish activity by mid day. Thus the most effective way to enjoy this event is to camp at the Shoshone Lake outlet campground and fish early in the day before anglers arrive from boating to the river, then return to the river during evening after boating anglers have departed. Before doing this adventure it is wise to determine weather conditions as unsettled weather is frequent this time of year in Yellowstone Park. With thorough planning, this visit to enjoy numerous large brown trout can be unforgettable.


Southwestern Montana, October 3rd, 2023

Let’s give Beaverhead and Big Hole browns a break for the rest of the year

It is a fact that the brown trout population in the Beaverhead and Big Hole Rivers has been in decline recently. Reasons for these unhappy circumstances is being studied by Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) personnel. For the remainder of this year the Beaverhead is closed by FWP to fishing from Clark Canyon Dam down to Pipe Organ to minimize interference with the brown trout spawning run. The River below remains open. For the same reason the lower Big Hole River is also closed by FWP while the river above remains open to fishing.


Main Stem Snake River, September 30th, 2023

Flow in the entire river from the Henry’s Fork confluence downstream is near seasonal normal and will drop further. With aggressive brown trout migrating to spawning areas and the river being close by a visit is quite convenient if you enjoy fishing streamers during this activity. Doing so at icon locations such as the Green, Madison, Missouri and Beaverhead Rivers and rivers within Yellowstone Park can require considerable travel whereas locations on the Main Stem can be minutes away whether you are boating or wading. With decreasing daylight hours and increased chances for unsettled weather this time of the year, lesser travel time to it can be attractive. So consider trying this river for fall-run browns, and visit Fly Fish Food-Jimmy’s for “where, when and how” information.
