
Fishing Reports

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports (Page 38)

Still Waters, September 23rd, 2023

Sand Creek Pond # 4

The weather the last several days is doing wonders for fishing success on many of these. Fewer daylight hours and cooler air temps are bringing water temperatures down to levels making fish active again and reducing aquatic weed cover. Sand Creek Ponds is an example where these actions are taking place. About 15 miles north of St. Anthony, the ponds offer an easy-to-access still water fishery. Pond #4 offers the most with a boat launch, a rainbow trout population producing individuals to trophy size, and a few brookies. Speckled duns may be winding down in numbers but a few remain during warmer days, Nymph patterns of choice suspended under a indicator remain effective as are leech and scud patterns. The ponds are non-motorized and have limited bank fishing. A killing frost has likely taken place, but enough terrestrial insects remain that a floating hopper or ant pattern or dry damsel fly could raise some interest from resident rainbow trout.


South Fork, September 23rd, 2023

Fall Colors at Clark Hill

Flow out Palisades Dam has dropped enough to notice (about 5700 cfs at Irwin, 6500 cfs at Heise, and 3000 cfs at Lorenzo) and can drop further as irrigation season winds down and water storage season begins. These flow levels make for more walk-in wade locations (On request, we at the shop can help locate the best of these ) and means drift boats will leave more gel coat streaks on the river bottom. With cooling weather and fewer daylight hours coming on, the opposite ends of the fly fishing spectrum ( BWOs and midge life cycle patterns then over to streamer patterns and big woolly bugger variations) will offer the best ways to fishing success. In between these ends terrestrial insects will be diminishing and the same for most stone fly species because of killing frosts and less daylight. Fall colors will offer another reason for fishing the river for days to come. Thus the South Fork offers more than great fishing if you enjoy its natural beauty peak this time of the season.


Big Lost River, September 19th, 2023

As flow out of Mackay Dam drops the river below becomes more attractive for fall fishing. BWO and midges prevail to interest trout, up coming unsettled weather will slow terrestrial insect activity. Such will return after this weather spell passes. If are looking for brook trout for a late season fish fry, try upper Antelope Creek and any of its tributaries having beaver ponds.


Small Streams, September 19th, 2023

Fall Colors on Upper Blackfoot River

Some of the larger of these will offer good fishing for weeks to come, even though they are at base level flows. The upper river in the Blackfoot Wildlife Management Area is an example. Being at about 6200 ft in elevation fall is already present. Hunters far outnumber anglers. Aquatic vegetation is beginning to break up making wet fly fishing easier and fall colors are coming on. Roads may be dusty until unsettled weather moves in later this week, but such weather could boost fly fishing success afterwards when warm-up happens.


South Fork, September 19th, 2023

South Fork Along the River Road

No significant changes in flow or water quality have taken place. Palisades Reservoir is about 60% of capacity, so irrigation water outlook for next year looks good. Unsettled weather coming up can only improve fly fishing whether it is top water ( mahoganies and BWO) or pitching streamers but slow terrestrial insect action. Such weather will also intensify fall colors which this year will peak a bit later because of the abundant ground water resulting from last winter’s great snowfall.


Henry’s Fork, September 19th, 2023

Henry’s Fork Drainage Water Status Report Filed Yesterday by Dr. Rob Van Kirk


  • Last week was on the warm and dry side, dropping water-year total precipitation to 110% of average.
  • Diversion and natural streamflow each decreased a little over the weekend, keeping lower-watershed conditions stable.
  • At an average outflow of 469, Island Park Reservoir gained 67 ac-ft/day over the weekend and is 64.1% full, compared with 45.5% on average.
  • Water quality continues to be good to excellent throughout the watershed.

Rob Van Kirk, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist

Henry’s Fork Foundation

P.O. Box 550

Ashton, ID 83420

208-881-3407 CELL

208-652-3568 FAX

The Tubs: A Great Place for Streamer Fishing on the Henry’s Fork

No killing frosts to date anywhere along the river. That means terrestrial insects, Early AM spinner falls, BWOs (activity peaking during PMs), mahogany duns (activity peaking during mid-day) and caddis (activity peaking during PMs) remain in place making top water fishing attractive. Unsettled weather is coming in a day or so and will remain for the rest of the week. Let’s see what impact it has on top water fishing and dry dropper rigs which have been so effective up and down the river. Such weather is sure to be good for pitching streamers and for BWO activity.


Small Streams, September 16th, 2023

All these are at base flow levels. Thus trout will be in deepest water, beneath overhead cover such as overhanging banks, and under logs and sweepers. Best fishing will be after waters warm to mid day temperatures. With these low flows, stealth, minimal bank side visits and limited wading will be in order for successful fishing. In smaller streams, fish may frequently move downstream to larger waters to find better overhead cover.

Bear Creek near Current Creek Cabin

Bear Creek, in particular, may be worth a visit, now that a limited bypass road is open to it after being very isolated this summer because of the road closure. Try it just above its confluence with Palisades Reservoir. Terrestrial insect patterns presented with and without a dropper should interest resident trout until cooler weather prevails.


Yellowstone National Park, September 16th, 2023

This is a great time to visit Park waters. Number of angers is down on most waters as is traffic, and weather is comfortable at least for the upcoming days. Changes to unsettled conditions are expected for the upcoming week.

The Firehole River offers good fishing especially through swinging soft hackled patterns such as partridge and orange, partridge and peacock, and white miller. Small terrestrial patterns presented tight towards banks also produce. Upcoming unsettled weather will increase BWO activity.

Number of browns and rainbows running out of Hebgen Lake upstream into the Madison River is increasing, but so are the number of fly fishers pitching streamer patterns to them. Brown trout are active in Duck Creek, but with base level flows they are totally wary of any vibrations and the sight of bank side anglers.

Boundary Creek in Late Summer

Meadow areas of Fall River Basin streams are loaded with grasshoppers, ants and horse flies. Resident trout know what a horsefly is, so pitch that swatted specimen into the water. Go after the trout that rises to it with such as a beat up humpy, and a good tussle will follow. Cooling weather and shorter evenings mean the best time to fish is during mid day to around 5 PM.

Before venturing to northeast corner streams (Lamar, Slough, Soda Butte), consult with nearby fly shops because thundershowers can discolor streams here making for a disappointing visit.


South Fork, September,16th, 2023

Low flow gives more walk-in wade opportunities

Look for unsettled weather predicted for next week to increase BWO and mahogany dun activity as well as streamer fishing success. Terrestrial insect patterns remain effective throughout the day, and afternoon caddis activity remains reliable. With normal late summer flow of cool, clear water ongoing without major changes, walk-in wading locations ( boat traffic is down) are numerous along the entire river. We at the shop can suggest which walk-in wading locations have been most productive for fishing success because so much of our customer traffic targets the South Fork.
