
Fishing Reports

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports (Page 5)

Main Stem Snake River, October 12th, 2024

The main stem Snake, like the South Fork, will offer better top water (BWO and diminishing caddis) and streamer presentation (aggressive brown trout) because of the upcoming weather change. A major difference between the two is that locations for walk-in-wade fishing are fewer on the main stem because of private land and therefore float fishing can be a best way. Some walk-in-wade locations are quite convenient (i.e. the river in Freeman Park).   Again, Fly Fish Food Jimmy’s can help you pick which locations to try at any given time.

Flies to try:


Stillwaters, October 12th, 2024

Most of our irrigation reservoirs feature water storage which enhances fish activity through cooling water which gives better dissolved oxygen concentrations. The large the salmonid, the more important good oxygen concentration becomes. Now trout will tend towards shallower water to forage.  Leach, nymph, scud, streamer patterns become more effective.  Consider getting onto such as Chesterfield, Daniels, and Treasureton Reservoirs and trying the waters adjacent to aquatic vegetation to present these. 

Flies to try:


Yellowstone National Park, October 12th, 2024

Other than continuing Firehole River BWO and White Miller activity, it essentially “Brown Trout Season” in the park. The Lewis River System offers perhaps the biggest number of migrating browns (mostly of trophy size) in the area.  The densest concentration is in the channel between Lewis and Shoshone Lakes where fish from both lakes concentrate. Getting there early in the day to present streamer and large nymph patterns before other wading and bankside anglers disturb the fish is the best strategy. Another location where good numbers of browns concentrate is in the river just below Lewis Lake. Rather than disturbing fish in the act of spawning there, fish the outlet bay in order to intercept migrating browns. 

The Madison River drainage features a great run of browns and accompanying rainbows from Hebgen Lake, but the number of fly fishers can equal the number of fish to the point that social problems can arise. Other brown trout runs worth a visit are in the Gardner and Snake Rivers, but these peak a bit  later in the season than the Lewis and Madison runs.

Flies to try:


Main Stem Snake River, October 5th, 2024

At Freeman Park

Bring an outfit rigged with a floating line, fine leader and BWO life cycle patterns and another rigged with a sink tip line and a stout leader to fish streamer patterns. Afternoons feature BWOs giving top water action and evenings are the time for presenting streamers at the heads and tails off holding water for increasingly aggressive brown trout running well into trophy sixes.


Still Waters, October 5th, 2024

As with Henry’s Lake a caution notice has been issued for the south end of American Falls Reservoir for blue green algae producing toxins that or dangerous for humans, pets and livestock. So keep tract for any other such notice on other still waters during our warmer than normal days.


Henry’s Fork, October 5th, 2024

The Fun Farm Bridge is temporarily closed for repairs

Buffalo River continues to contribute most of the water flowing through Box Canyon and through the Last Chance-Harriman reach. Below, ground water adds significantly to the river flow. Afternoons will continue to give the best fishing during our “Indian Summer” days with BWOs and a somewhat diminished terrestrial insect population providing the basis. BWO activity during afternoons on wind free days makes for good top water fishing on the lower river. During low light conditions streamers will attract brown trout especially as evening approaches.


South Fork, October 5th, 2024

Flow at Irwin is about 5220 cfs ( about the same at Heise and 2500 cfs at Lorenzo). These are all considerably above normal for this time of he season ( about 4200 cfs at Irwin) . So look for flow to drop further soon. . Top water fishing will begin to diminish soon to BWO and midge activity while streamer fishing will become most effective a brown tout become more aggressive. There are plenty of walk-in-wade locations along the river. Stop in to our shop, and we can suggest some of those where activity is ongoing. Best times for a visit to fish the river is trending towards afternoons and evenings.


Big Lost River, September 28th, 2024

Below Mackay Dam

Flow out of Mackay Dam is slightly higher that normal (215 cfs vs 188 cfs) but wading conditions are good.. Late afternoon BWO activity and remaining bank side terrestrial insects are resulting in some good top water fishing in the river below Mackay Dam. Presenting traditional nymph patterns in small and medium sizes work earlier in the day. A few dry fly enthusiasts are venturing in from the Sun Valley area to find relief from crowded Silver Creek.


Main Stem Snake River, September 28th, 2024

At Freeman Park

Evening BWO activity and bank side terrestrial insects are providing some pleasant evenings of dry fly fishing up and down the river. Flows are a bit below normal making for good wading conditions in some locations ( Try the river in Freeman Park). As fall rolls on streamer fishing will become increasingly effective as brown trout stage for their spawning runs and the rainbows that will follow them..


Yellowstone Park, September 28th, 2024

The Firehole River continues to provide the best dry fly fishing in the Park with BWO and white miller activity and bank side terrestrial insect populations providing the reasons. Now that the northeast part of the park has drier weather, streams there are back in great shape with BWO, mahogany dun ( and some hecuba) mayflies along with hopper and ant populations making for good dry fly fishing. Much of the same applies to Fall River Basin streams which are now at base level flows making stealth necessary for top water fishing success.

Brown trout runs in the Madison River are increasing but so are the number of pursuing anglers using deep running streamer and large soft hackle patterns with success mostly early and late during the warm, sunny days. Brown trout are also staging to move into the Lewis River channel between Lewis and Shoshone lakes to provide result in the famed fall run that attracts world wide fly fishers.
