
Fishing Reports

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports (Page 67)

Henry’s Fork, July 19th, 2022

Terrestrial insect populations are building along banks throughout the length of the river as the variety of aquatic insects decreases. Begin thinking patterns for such as ants, beetles and hoppers anywhere you fish the river, and target holding water along vegetated banks. Some turbidity is present in waters released from Island Park Reservoir and this condition continues on downstream through the Harriman State Park section. Best fishing is during AM spinner falls and remaining mayfly activity during late afternoons. This” best fishing times comment” applies to the entire river. Upcoming speckled dun and trico activity will “revitalize” this.

If you fish the river below Ashton Dam, consider that the warmer the water, the tougher it is for fish to revive after being caught and released.

Headlines from Dr. Rob Van Kirk’s Henry’s Fork drainage water status report from yesterday follow.


  • Mean temperature yesterday was 3 degrees F above average, and water-year total precipitation at 90% of average.
  • Natural flow has dropped a little to 80% of average over the past few days, while diversion increased a little yesterday to 98% of average.
  • At an outflow of around 1450 cfs, Island Park Reservoir is dropping at around 1700 ac-ft per day and is 81% full.
  • Current system management continues to keep stream flow in the lower watershed very stable, and no large changes are anticipated in the short term.

Rob Van Kirk, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist

Henry’s Fork Foundation

P.O. Box 550

Ashton, ID 83420

208-881-3407 CELL

208-652-3568 FAX



Southwestern Montana, July 16th, 2022

The big stone flies have come and gone on the Madison River below Hebgen Lake. Caddis, PMDs, yellow sallys and a few golden stones provide top water fare for trout there. Morning spinner falls are producing some good fishing and terrestrial insect populations are beginning to flourish along the river the further one ventures downstream. A few speckled duns are making an appearance on Hebgen Lake, with their emergence peak being a few weeks in the future.. We have a bit of info that says that the Gallatin River has shaped up with PM caddis flies providing good action. The big stone flies are hatching just below its Yellowstone Park waters.


Small Streams, July 16th, 2022

Now is the time to enjoy fishing our small streams, especially those that are a bit remote.

The Blackfoot River drainage above the reservoir is a good example.

Water levels in all streams are good thanks to an abundant snowfall last winter, and Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDF&G), other government agencies, and Trout Unlimited are working on improving in-stream habitat and riparian zones in many places. Caddis flies and stone flies predominate as aquatic insects and terrestrial insects will become dominant as life forms to consider when making fly pattern selections.. Although some waters run through private areas, there are many stream sections running through public lands. Contacting IDF&G’s Southeast Idaho Region office can give information on where to find water open to the public.


South Fork, July 16th, 2022

No big changes since our last report, and flow out of Palisades Reservoir has been constant for about a week.

We came close to losing three folks in a drift boat a day ago. They got crosswise to a bridge abutment near the Spring Creek launch site and capsized. All got out safely. We know it is difficult to maintain attention to the river when fishing is good, but stay alert to it, We all want to see everyone end the day in good shape after enjoying fishing or even boating this great river.


Still Waters, July 16th, 2022

The Sand Creek Ponds are now open to non-motorized boat fishing unless there are posted restrictions for protecting wildlife. As with all our still waters, the currently high air temps warm water enough to move fish to deepest areas. However, speckled dun and damselfly activity will bring fish to less deep water during mornings and evenings. Life cycle patterns for these insects, small leach, small streamer, and traditional nymph patterns will work. The ponds are not very deep, so presenting flies on a floating line works when there is surface activity or when fishing shallower water. Switch to an intermediate line if there are no rising fish, and concentrate on fishing deeper water.


Small Streams, July 12th, 2022

It’s quite a drive from Idaho Falls, around 135 miles to be exact, but right now the Little Lost River drainage above Howe, Idaho is offering good fishing thanks to an abundant snowfall winter in the Lemhi Mountain Range. Rainbow trout to good size and brook trout dominate the drainage with some small bull trout in such as Dry Creek. There is a limited service BLM campground just beyond the pavement end at the Clyde township, More campgrounds, primitive and somewhat developed, are on Sawmill Creek.( see above photo).

Light weight gear ( 3-4 weight) is best for fishing these streams, and the trout and char (brookies and bulls) are not picky. PM caddis activity is reliable and soon, thanks to our dry, hot weather terrestrial insects will be numerous. Stone flies up to goldens in size may still be around. Traditional attractor patterns and bead head nymph patterns of choice are always work well. For sure there will be fewer anglers in this relatively remote area than encountered on most of our small streams closer to town.


Yellowstone National Park, July 12th, 2022

All Fall River Basin streams are near base flows. Bechler Meadows drying out, and river offers some good fishing with PMDs and damsel fly life cycle patterns. A few green drakes are present in this low water year. Best fishing here is during the evening brown drake emergence. A good strategy to enjoy it is to reserve one of the campgrounds along the river or nearby and fish until twilight. Same applies to Boundary, and Mountain Ash Creeks and Fall River. Beula Lake is offering some of the fastest still water fishing in the Park thanks to its abundant leech population and speckled dun and damsel fly activity.

Beula and Hering Lakes

Fall River

Brown drake numbers in Gibbon River in meadows and Duck Creek have diminished in the last few years. Is climate change the reason? Leave the Firehole River alone until September days begin cooling back to water temperatures where resident trout have a better chance of surviving being caught and released. The Yellowstone River is now open, but thanks to road traffic getting there in time to enjoy best fishing requires a departure as soon as entry gates open in the AM. We have no information on fishing the streams (Lamar River, Slough and Soda Butte Creeks) in the northeast corner of the park mainly because of road conditions.


Henry’s Fork, July 12th, 2022

Headlines from Dr. Rob Van Kirk’s latest water report for the Henry’s Fork follows.


  • Mean temperature yesterday was 2 degrees F above average; water-year precipitation stands at 90% of average.
  • Natural flow dropped another 3% yesterday, while diversion increased to 99% of average. Water rights priorities are near the median for the date.
  • Outflow from Island Park Reservoir was increased to 1460 cfs yesterday to accommodate increased diversion into the Crosscut Canal.
  • Diversion and reservoir outflow will remain high for the next 2-3 weeks, as hot, dry weather continues.

Rob Van Kirk, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist

Henry’s Fork Foundation

P.O. Box 550

Ashton, ID 83420

208-881-3407 CELL

208-652-3568 FAX

Evenings ( try caddis and PMD and gray drake spinner patterns) and early AMs ( spinner patterns again) are the best times to fish the lower river where terrestrial insects are beginning to appear in good numbers. A bit early for these along the upper river except ant and beetle patterns should always be in that fly box Variable flow out of Island Park Reservoir impacts fishing from Box Canyon to Riverside. PMDs, Flavs and green drakes are diminishing a bit (AM and PM spinner falls bring action) except for PM brown drakes in lower Harriman offering best activity. PM caddis activity is reliable everywhere.
