
Henry’s Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Fork (Page 32)

Henry’s Fork 8-18-18


Anywhere on the river cloudy skies and high relative humidity will improve your mid-day fishing success.  Patterns for spinner falls, caddis (life cycle patterns during evening hours) streamers, and terrestrial insects can be most effective during these times of day and under these atmospheric conditions. On the upper river the arrival of honey ants will boost trout’s desire to come to the surface any time.


Henry’s Fork 8-7-18


Bear Gulch

Presenting terrestrial insect patterns is fruitful in the AM or PM whether you fish the upper or lower river.   Other than that, the upper river (Last Chance-Harriman, Coffee Pot-Tubs (watch out for recreational boaters) has AM and PM spinner falls.  Be also on the lookout for recreational boaters in Box Canyon where nymphing and presenting caddis life cycle patters  in the evening brings good results. Cardiac Canyon is nearly deserted by anglers, so consider taking those terrestrial insect patterns to such as the Hatchery Ford and Bear Gulch accesses.


Henry’s Fork 8-4-18




The best and most consistent fishing in the Last Chance-Harriman section of the river is through presenting terrestrial insect patterns.  The big mayfly hatches are gone for the year although speckled duns and smaller PMDs are present. Rusty spinner patterns will work early and late in the day, but when flying ants arrive in good numbers fish will notice, and some of the best summertime fishing arrives.  For the warming lower river use rusty spinner patterns in the AM, and terrestrial insect  and caddis life cycle and streamer patterns in the evening.


Henry’s Fork 7-2-18

03-26-13 South Fork Bald Eagle

Brown Drakes (evenings) and flavs (afternoons) have begun emerging in the Last Chance-Harriman stretch of the river. I drove by the Last Chance Rest Stop  about 6:30 PM yesterday. Saw only one fly-fisher trying the river just downstream (???).  Maybe most of those were below in the Wood Road 16 area judging  from the the campers, etc. seen way downstream on passing over the Osborne Bridge.


Henry’s Fork 6-27-2018

As the fishing and bug hatches are starting to improve on the South Fork, and the arrival of stoneflies on the Madison, we are finally starting to see a little relief in the pressure being put on the Henry’s Fork. The fishing has been good with some Green Drake and Flav hatches during the day, and some decent Caddis fishing with gray drake spinners in the evening. These fish have been seeing a lot of pressure, so keep in mind that the most obvious bugs aren’t always going to work. If you couple the pressure with the mass of bugs hatching, you can at times get a pretty frustrating concoction.  Take some time to study the water and the way fish are feeding before selecting a fly. You are going to see multiple sizes and colors of mayfly and Caddis, but I have been able to find fish on a size 16 Caddis trailed by a sz. 16-14 Flav Spinner or the PMD Emerger (pictured) during the day. In the evening there have still been some pretty good action on Gray Drake spinners trailed by other small spinners and emergers with fish really starting to feed well around 6-7 pm (MST). Other bugs that have worked well that we have in the shop would include the JS CFO spinner sz. 14-16 in pink and yellow, Last Chance Flav and PMD cripples, Green Drake Thorax Duns, and McClellan’s Grey Drake Spinner. It’s getting to be time that you start using a few ant and beetle patterns for real tricky fish. Sometimes when I am having a hard time catching the bigger fish, I will tie on an ant or beetle, and you will see those fish come 5 feet out of their feeding lane just to take a poorly presented terrestrial pattern, which I do often. The most persistent angler will be the highest rewarded, so put in a good effort, and bring plenty of bugs. Big fish are feeding on little dries, and this can be one of the funnest times to be on the Fork. (((((BRING BUG SPRAY))))) Maybe even some mosquito patterns!)



Henry’s Fork 6-23-18


Widespread rain, wind, and variable flows out of Island Park Reservoir and unseasonably cool weather slowed the green drake emergence along the Harriman State Park reach of the river.  With seasonably warm weather predicted to move in by Monday, look for this event to get into full swing. A few golden stone adults remain in Box Canyon and the Coffee Pot area, and PM caddis activity seems good up and down the river.  The grey drake emergence on the crowded lower river has been good. Look for crowding to ease on the lower river as flows in the nearby South Fork approach normal for the season and the stonefly emergence begins.


Henry’s Fork 6-19-18


Green Drake hatch is going on in a good manner at the Harriman State Park reach of the river. Looks like the weather is going to improve soon to a more comfortable condition, so consider getting out to enjoy this great event before it diminishes.


Henry’s Fork 6-5-18


The overall springtime hatch is ongoing and moving up the river. With good weather predicted for several days ahead, it is time to put together fly box contents for this time of year. The big stoneflies are pretty much out of the lower river except for the goldens. So for those adult goldens here and the upper river, patterns we suggest are Rollin golden and CFO golden olive in size 8-10. For the big stoneflies now in the Box and Coffeepot, try CFO Big Hair and improved or traditional sofa pillow in sizes 4-6.  For the afternoon caddis hatch anywhere on the river, the Henry’s Fork caddis, X-caddis, and Lawson’s EZ caddis, all in size 14-18 are good bets.  For isoperla stoneflies patterns anywhere on the river try CFO-X and yellow stimulator, both in size 12-16.

Any day now the drakes, followed by flavs, will begin working their way emerging up the river. For green drakes, try the D&D cripple, Harrop’s spinner, and Williams flex wing, all in size 10. For the gray drakes, try McLellan’s gray in size 10.  For  flavs consider the biot spinner, CDC emerger and cripple, all in size 14.  Be sure to include the partridge and olive soft hackle which is as good an emerger pattern for both mayflies and caddisflies as any created. Nymph patterns, you ask? Bead head prince and pheasant tail in size 12-16 and rubber legs in size 6-10.


Henry’s Fork 6-2-18


Big stoneflies are flying in Box Canyon and fish and anglers are responding whether wading or boating.  In a few days these big bugs will be doing the same around Coffeepot where fishing conditions will be less crowded. Hatch on the lower river is diminishing, but golden stone are coming on. Give currently filled up or filling up fish several days, and they will be looking for those big bugs again.  For now, afternoon caddis activity is taking over for best dry fly fishing.


Henry’s Fork 5-26-18



Flow out of Island Park Dam was nearly doubled Wednesday. That action along with a big rainstorm the same evening has slowed fishing temporarily in the Box Canyon-Last Chance section of the river. The same could be the case for the river in the Riverside area where the big bugs will likely show very soon.   This rise in flow is unlikely to impact fishing in the lower river where giant and golden stone fly adult patterns rule the roost with respect to being effective all the way from the slide below lower Mesa Falls to Chester. Here’s an update: as of Memorial Day the big stoneflies are beginning to fly in lower Box Canyon.
