
Henry’s Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Fork (Page 38)

Henry’s Fork 6-11-16

The best action to date is on the lower river (Bear Gulch to Chester Dam) where caddisflies are out big time. They are accompanied in smaller numbers by yellow sallies. A few green and gray drakes and PMDs are making appearances with hatch peaks yet to come. Some adult golden stoneflies remain and cloudier afternoons will bring out BWOs. Midges are always present and ants and beetles fall into shoreline waters. So for the fish conditions are like having an aqueous Chuckarama where the choice of what to eat is up to them. For the fly-fisher this means figuring out what fish are taking at a given time!


Henry’s Fork 6-9-16

The Henry’s Fork has Green Drakes on it from Warm River to Fun Farm bridge, and the fish are starting to eat them. Also, there is a good spinner fall in the mornings, and then later in the evenings the fishing has been good with Caddis. A few golden stones are still around and can be used to catch fish out in the middle of the river behind rocks. If there seems to be no action on the surface, I would head to deep troughs and try your luck with nymphs.

Dry Flies: Rusty Biot Spinner size 16 & 18, Green Drake Wulff size 10, Improved-X Caddis Tan or Olive size 16, Super Chernobyl Golden Yellow size 10

Nymphs: Red Copper John size 16, Bennett’s Brown Rubber-leg size 8 & 10, Psycho Prince size 16, Pheasant Tail nymph size 16 & 18


Henry’s Fork 06-06-2016

The fishing has been good on the Henry’s Fork. The Salmon flies are finished, but the Golden-stone fishing has been good from Stone Bridge down to Fun Farm bridge. Also in that section, I would start to look for Green Drake and Flavs from mid-day on. There has been a good pmd spinner fall in the morning and then with good Caddis fishing right before dark. Finally, if all else seems to fail for dry fly fishing, you could put on nymphs and fish the slots and rocks out in the middle of the river.

Flies that I would use on the those sections are:

Dry  Flies:

Super Chernobyl Golden Yellow size 8 & 10, Olive Hares Ear Parachute Adams size 12, D&D Cripple Green Drake size 10, Rusty Biot Spinner size 16 & 18, Improved X Caddis Tan & Olive size 14 &16


Pats Tan/Brown Rubber Leg size 8, Red Copper John size 16, Psycho Prince size 18, Crystal Golden Stone size 10


Henry’s Fork 6-4-16

An important message came to us from the Henry’s Fork Foundation. Take a look at it below if you plan to fish the Box Canyon-Last Chance part of the river.

If you’re fishing the Henry’s Fork this weekend, please see the important message below regarding flows out of Island Park Dam and conditions in Box Canyon today [6/4/2016]:

Over the past 48 hours, turbines at Island Park Dam have been tripping off and the control system is not functioning properly. Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative has shut off the turbines and is working to set the west side gates at 650 cfs until full repairs are made. Flows will be stable through the remainder of the weekend, but conditions could be variable in Box Canyon today.

Any future updates to this report will be shared via email and posted on our Facebook page:



Henry’s Fork 5-31-16

Seems like trout response to the adults in  the giant stonefly hatch could be better up and down the river. Recent cool weather and changes in flow out of Island Park Dam can be reasons for action a bit slower than usual.  Let’s see if the predicted weather warm-up brings more action.


Henry’s Fork 5-24-16

Cool weather has slowed the giant stonefly advance and activity on the upper river.  Many recent nights have seen below freezing air temperatures. Giant stoneflies are emerging now as far upstream as Riverside, but are needing warmer weather to become real active. Currently trout are taking caddis, BWOs, and march browns here and on the lower river where big stoneflies are more active. With warm weather and resulting active stonefly activity, look for trout to take interest on the upper river. Who knows if the big bugs will fly in Box Canyon by the upcoming weekend. All depends on the weather!


Henry’s Fork 5-16-16

Now is the time for fishing big bugs on the Henry’s Fork! Fishing from Ashton dam down to the Chester backwaters has been the most productive with Salmonflies out in force. Warm River to Ashton has been producing as well. Look for the hatch to continue upriver through lower mesa in the coming days. Chubby Chernobyl’s in size 6, Dornan’s Water Walker in size 6 & 8, Rollin Stones in size 4, CFO Ant’s in size 6 have all been great flies. Consider adding a smaller rubberleg dropper (size 8 or 10) below your dry fly as well. Call us at the shop with any questions you have! Get out there, now is the time!


Henry’s Fork 5-10-16

There are four USGS flow stations on the Henry’s Fork.  The gage at each one indicates lower than normal flow, most of which readings seem significant. Is this a reason for aquatic insect hatches to be inconsistent so far this season? Hmmmm.


Henry’s Fork 4-30-16

Are you a drift boater? try the Warm River to Ashton or Ora Bridge to Chester stretch. It’s time to begin using big stonefly nymph patterns when you do. If you are wading the river, please take a look at our last entry for the Henry’s Fork. Some important info on public access is on it if you have not seen it.


Henry’s Fork 4-26-16

Fall River is bringing in cold, discolored water, and this time of year the Ashton Dam acts as a settling basin. Flow out of Ashton Dam is just a bit above normal. Those facts pretty much tell where the best fishing can be found on the river. Within those limits BWOs, caddisflies, midges, and a few March browns are emerging and bringing responses from trout. Post spawning rainbows are taking streamers and stonefly nymph patterns drifting by.  Afternoons make for best fishing, but be well insulated and ready for the cold water (currently not much above 40 deg. F.).
