
Henry’s Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Fork (Page 44)

Henry’s Fork 6-28-14

Add flavs to the list of mayflies emerging in the Last Chance-Harriman State Park area where fishing has been good. Still some green drakes and gray drakes with a few golden stones are left on the river below Ashton Dam.  Now that South Fork fishing is picking up big time, as Jimmy related a few days ago, there will be a shift of interest away from the Ashton to Chester part of the river and therefore fewer boats.  So with fewer anglers present from Ashton to Chester there is opportunity to enjoy fish responding to those drakes and golden stones before they die out.


Henry’s Fork 6-21-14

Fishing just below Ashton Dam was very good two days ago. No green drakes , but volumes of caddis and PMDs. When the breeze blew some gray drake spinners in fishing picked up with bigger fish responding.  Further down the river green drakes are still going, but diminishing. If you fish the river from Ashton Dam to below Chester Dam, expect company in the form of boats and wading folks—lots of both. Same thing on the upper river in the Last Chance-Harriman-Riverside part: good fishing (green drakes, PMDs, caddis, a few golden stones), but plenty of company (some polite, some not so polite).


Henry’s Fork 6-3-14

As some of you may have heard, Highway 20 construction this summer and fall on Ashton Hill can result in up to half-hour travel delays. That means plan your travel to include this inconvenience that could impact fishing.  An alternative to reach the river at Harriman State Park-Last Chance and above is to travel via the Mesa Falls Scenic Highway. Doing so adds about twelve miles onto travel. But it is a scenic trip and much better than waiting for who knows how long in a mile-long traffic jam  sure to include many 18-wheelers and slow moving recreational vehicles.


Henry’s Fork 5-27-14

Big attraction here is the stonefly emergence.  Fish are responding best to dry patterns from Lower Mesa Falls to the Chester backwaters.  Warm River to Ashton remains a productive float trip for presenting big dry fly patterns. Forget fly-fishing below Chester Dam because Fall River is putting in big time run-off. No stoneflies flying significantly in Box Canyon to date, but big nymph patterns should work any time now.  Be sure to have caddisfly life cycle patterns on board when fishing from the Riverside area downstream to Chester backwaters.


Henry’s Fork 5-20-14

The season of anticipation is over! That means the big stoneflies are out and flying in the Warm River to Ashton Reservoir section of the river.  Fish are still taking nymphs, but some are keying on egg-laying adults and will tend more to do so in the upcoming days. Look for the big bugs to be out soon below Ashton Dam, and depending on weather, look for a progression of their emergence on the river above Warm River.  Rubberleg patterns as well as any traditional large stonefly nymph pattern will work well, but as time goes by and fish key on more available adults, there is a huge array of effective dry patterns. All you must do is find that big, hungry trout and throw him or her any one of these!  All this being said,don’t forget that some fish may prefer caddis life cycle patterns.


Henry’s Fork 5-17-14

We have reports of good nymph fishing on the lower river, especially from Warm River to Ashton Reservoir. Large rubber legs and stonefly nymph patterns are producing especially for those folks fly-fishing from a boat.  Fish also are responding to BWO and caddis life cycle patterns with overcast skies or storms being best times for BWO activity.

So far very little water is coming out of Henry’s Lake into the Henry’s Lake Outlet part of the river. This means that few fish are present there.


Henry’s Fork 4-29-14

Now is a good time to visit the lower Henry’s Fork. Flows are slightly less than normal, and look for water temps climb to the mid 40s in deg. F by late afternoon.  A good caddis emergence is ongoing and peaking in the afternoon. BWOs are also emerging during the PM hours, especially if weather returns to what it was last weekend. Then there are the ever present midges. March browns should become significant any day.  Don’t put away those streamer patterns just yet; save them for evening presentations.


Henry’s Fork 3-20-14

The Henry’s Fork is fishing really well right now. Streamers are the ticket in evenings, early mornings, and under low light conditions . BWOs are beginning to show up in good numbers, and midges seem to be emerging always. Try your favorite rubberleg pattern presented close to the bottom and under an indicator


Henry’s Fork 3/4/14

Snow and ice are beginning to leave the lower river making access easier.  Water temperatures still hover just below forty degrees F., so midges continue to provide top water activity.  Emerger patterns presented in the surface film or just below are best bet for action.  No word on good BWO emergences yet because warmer water is needed.  Streamers are a great way to encounter larger rainbows and browns, especially below Chester Dam.   Concentrate efforts on deeper water and around overhead cover out of direct sunlight. Low light conditions will always be best time for streamer fishing. Above the Chester back waters to the Vernon Bridge (river is closed to fishing until general season opening from there up to Ashton Dam) add big stonefly nymph patterns as being effective for larger trout.  Come to the shop and talk to us about specific locations


Henry’s Fork 11-5-13

Top water action (BWOs and midges) has slowed a bit on the lower river. When skies cloud up, the best way for action is to present streamers.  Early and late in the day will be the best times to give them a try cloudy skies or not.  Flows throughout the lower river are somewhat lower than normal, so there are plenty of good locations for wading.  Some of the best streamer fishing on the upper river can be enjoyed in Box Canyon where flow out of Island Park Dam is just under 100 cfs. Thankfully Buffalo River adds another 200 cfs.  If you enjoy presenting streamer patterns other great locations are “The Tubs” area above Macks Inn and below Coffee Pot Rapids. It is getting close to winter in Island Park, so dress accordingly!
