
Henry’s Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Fork (Page 45)

Henry’s Fork 10-26-13

Nearly everything we offered in the latest South Fork fishing report applies to fishing the lower Henry’s Fork.  Water is low and walk-in wade locations are abundant from just upstream of the Wendell bridge to below St. Anthony.  Brown trout are migrating throughout with BWOs and midges emerging, but all these are best during overcast days.  The river in Island Park and below Island Park Dam is also low with only 19 cfs coming out of the dam. This makes inflow from Buffalo River very important.  Nevertheless the river at Last Chance and into Harriman State Park is choked with weeds, but BWOs are active with some fish working.


Henry’s Fork 10-18-13

The Henry’s Fork is fishing really good right now. The entire lower river below Ashton has been producing well with nymph rigs, streamers, and BWO’s on overcast days. Nymph wise throw a rubberlegs and smaller bead-head dropper. It is getting to be the time of year when egg patterns work very well too. Streamer fishing has been great and the pattern doesn’t seem to matter too much, but flies like the sculpzilla and Kelly Galloups Peanut Envy have worked particularly well. For those wanting to float, stretches like Ora to Vernon or Ora to Chester have been popular, but wade fishing has been just as productive. The weather for the weekend looks great, so get out there and enjoy some of the best fishing of the year!


Henry’s Fork 10-12-13

Flow out of Island Park Dam is reduced to 84 cfs. This is very tough on boating but great for walk-in wade fishing.  Small bead head nymphs are a best bet, but do not overlook streamers during low light conditions. Elsewhere on the river cool cloudy weather will bring out BWOs big time and resulting interest from trout, but hinder mahogany duns.


Henry’s Fork 10-8-13

The lower river is fishing very well with BWO and mahogany dun hatches providing good top water fishing with emerger, dun, and spinner patterns.   Don’t overlook the numerous midges on the water.  Look for some very good fishing action coming up as we expect some stormy weather from now to the rest of the week.  Under low light conditions streamers will be effective earl and late in the day.


Henry’s Fork 9-28-13

Best news here is that the recent cool, wet weather has brought the lower river back to life. Mahogany duns, BWOs, and midges are making for great dry fly fishing.  Early and late in the day streamers are attracting large trout around overhead cover.  On the upper river flow out of Island Park Dam is around 300 cfs as water storage kicks in.  Try two-nymph rigs during daytime. When clouds prevail try high-sticking big stonefly nymphs.  Switch to streamers as daylight fades.


Henry’s Fork 9-17-13

This is the best time of year to fish the river above Island Park Reservoir.  Large rainbows are moving out of the reservoir, some to follow kokanee, others to escape the warming water, and others to begin a spawning run.  With flows out of Henry’s Lake dropping, trout in the Outlet reach move downstream to the river for better habitat.  Thus the river from the reservoir upstream to the Big Springs closure has an added compliment of large trout.   Although this part of the river does not have the great and varied aquatic insect population of the river below Island Park Reservoir, it has caddisflies and midges in abundance and the banks host plenty of terrestrial insects. From the Coffeepot area downstream to the reservoir stoneflies are important.  But is worth remembering that the fish that have moved in originated in either Henry’s Lake or Island Park Reservoir. Thus some of the favored flies on these still waters can be effective, especially streamers and wooly bugger types.  So consider this part of the river to be a destination this time of year. You will have a great chance for encountering some large rainbows and cutthroat


Henry’s Fork 9-7-13

If you plan on fishing the Last Chance-Harriman reach, be sure to have ant patterns (#20-12) available as well as hopper patterns. Other than these, PMD, speckled dun, and trico spinner patterns will be sure to bring morning action.   Tricos are showing during mornings on the river below Ashton Dam with some resulting action.  As we cool off through this month, look for fishing on this part of the river to pick up.


Henry’s Fork 8-31-13

Most reliable part of the river for fishing is the Warm River to Ashton stretch. During daytime hopper and chernobyl patterns trailed by a bead head nymph or rubberlegs trailed by a bead head nymph pattern bring action.  Big browns are reacting to streamers early and late in the day. Evening and morning streamer fishing will become more effective as we move through autumn months.


Henry’s Fork 8-24-13

It’s the time of year when trout  move into the river above Island Park Reservoir. Reasons include the less hospitable conditions in the drawned-down reservoir, kokanee beginning to migrate, and a remnant spawning run. For now try the river below Coffee Pot Rapids. Streamers and wooly bugger types work for wets while hopper, traditional attractor, and caddis patterns work well for dries.  Consider soon trying the river just below the Big Springs-Henry’s Lake outlet confluence with streamers and terrestrial patterns.  But do so late or early in the day to avoid the boaters.  As we move into autumn, this part of the river will host some very large rainbows.


Henry’s Fork 8-17-13

Likely the most reliable location for action on the river these days is the Warm River to Ashton stretch.  Hoppers with a small bead head nymph dropper produce during daytime.  So does a two nymph rig of rubber legs trailed by your favorite bead head nymph (size 12-16). Try streamers in the evening to interest those big browns.  Caddis  life cycle patterns will interest the smaller fish.  Until we cool off forget the river below Ashton Dam where water is warm enough for swimming.  On the upper river consider walking downstream from Riverside Campground to present hopper and caddis life cycle patterns during the evening. Concentrate your fishing efforts early to mid mornings on the Harriman State Park stretch were spinners will be interesting trout.
