
Henry’s Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Fork (Page 46)

Henry’s Fork 8-10-13

Morning spinner falls offer the best fishing on the Harriman-Last Chance reach of the river. After that switch to terrestrial patterns and hope for a cumulus cloud build up that means increased relative humidity. This action could result in enough speckled duns to interest trout. Towards evening look for some caddis activity. But when the sun goes behind the hills to the west, put on that hair mouse pattern, and place it near an undercut.  You may get nothing, but if a trout responds it is certain to be very large—maybe the trout of the year for you!


Henry’s Fork 7-23-13

Even though the flows are slightly higher than normal, the lower river is already in the summer doldrums because of the early warm weather.  In the Last Chance-Harriman part of the upper river, all the drake hatches are over and some PMDs remain, but fishing has slowed because of warm weather and recently increased flows out of Island Park dam.  When speckled duns and hoppers become important look for fishing to pick up big time. “Fish early, fish late” applies until then.  Same applies to the lower river, and don’t overlook trying your favorite streamer during sunset to twilight or around sunrise.


Henry’s Fork 7-6-13

Folks at Henry’s Fork Anglers (HFA) tell us that brown drakes are well past their peak, but flavs are coming on through the Harriman State Park reach of the Henry’s Fork. It’s mostly a PM event.  So pay HFA a visit for the best current information, and also visit a Last Chance eatery for that hearty lunch to fuel up to meet those big afternoon rainbows taking flavs!


Henry’s Fork 7-2-13

Green and gray drakes are winding down now on the upper river, but flavs and brown drakes are coming on. PMDs remain a major attraction for feeding trout here.  Best time for flavs on the upper river is afternoon. For brown drakes best time is evening, and the lower end of the Harriman State Park reach offers the best numbers of these drakes.  You will have plenty of company during these destination events, but the beauty of the area and the size of the fish makes a visit worthwhile.


Henry’s Fork 6-29-13

On the upper river flavs have begun showing, but green drakes and PMDs are still bringing much action in the Harriman-Last Chance area.  It appears that these mayflies are hatching in numbers as good as any in recent years, and fishing is great because of it.  So get up there, and enjoy!  Here’s a thought: be sure to have a few of your favorite dry golden stone patterns in that fly box. Those older fish know what they are, and will take them. You may get fewer fish than those folks presenting mayfly life cycle patterns, but the fish responding to that golden stone pattern will average bigger sizes.  On the lower river gray drakes and PMDs remain numerous and provide good fishing, but look for water to begin warming because of our hot weather.


Henry’s Fork 6-24-13

Fishing on the Henry’s Fork is very good right now. There are a bunch of bugs hatching and the fish are looking up.  The entire river is fishing well, but we have heard very good things on the river below Ashton and up in the Ranch/Woodroad #16 area.  Everything from Green Drakes, Yellow Sallies, Flavs, Caddis, and PMD’s are coming off. Fish were really keying on the drakes last week so make sure you have plenty of drake patterns on you. Nymphing with a rubberleg/attractor dropper set up and Streamer fishing have been very good too…  Get out there while its hot!


Henry’s Fork 6-18-13

Now is a good time to go back to the Cardiac Canyon reach with dry golden and giant stonefly patterns. The giants and golden hatches went through big time a few weeks ago, and fish have had a chance to digest those eaten.  Fish remain conditioned to look for these, so a good strategy for such as Hatchery Ford, around the Mesa Falls area, and Bear Gulch is to present them.  You may not get into quite as many fish as during the peak of these hatches, but you will surely have good results.  Cardiac Canyon keeps you away from crowds on the Harriman-Last Chance reach above looking for responses to green drakes, caddisflies, and PMDs and from the crowds on the river below responding to the gray drake hatch.  Speaking of green drakes, they’re ramping down on the lower river and yet to make  a major appearance in the Last Chance-Harriman part of the river.


Henry’s Fork 6-17-13

To start, the fishing on the lower Henry’s fork has been consistent the last week and should stay that way for awhile. With a dry-dropper set up using a CFO Flammer Ant(golden stone imitation) size 8 as a dry and a Beadhead Crystal Pheasant tail size 16 can be rewarding all day long. Also fish a Green Drake Parachute size 10 from about mid-morning to mid-afternoon even if you don’t see any Green Drakes because the fish might be looking for them. The gray  drakes are starting to appear in the evenings. Finally right at dark the trout will move off the bigger flies in favor of smaller caddis so try a  size 16 or 18 tan x-caddis.


Henry’s Fork 6-13

If your not fishing the Henry’s Fork right now you missing some great dry fly fishing. I have been fishing in the evenings on the lower river and have great success with Chernobyl ants and Caddis flies. There have been good hatches of PMD’s, Caddis, Golden Stones and Yellow Sallies. No reports on Green Drakes yet but they should be hatching anytime now and I would have a good selection in you fly box.

The Ranch will be opening this weekend after that happens the entire river system will be open for fishing. This is the prime time for fishing the Henry’s Fork. June is the magical month for fishing this river. Make some time and go fish it.



Henry’s Fork 6-1

The Henry’s Fork is fishing really good right now! The Salmon flies have moved through the lower river and are up into Box Canyon. However the Fish are still looking up and are still eating big stonefly patterns on the surface. Chernobyl Ants have been working the best for stonefly imitations on the surface. The Golden stones are starting to emerge and there has been some Yellow Sallies and PMD’s hatching on the lower river as well. Things are about to come into full swing on the Henry’s Fork. This is prime time to be fishing up there.
