
Henry’s Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Fork (Page 47)

Henry’s Fork 5-28

Lots to talk about for the Henry’s Fork. The Salmon flies are still hatching. There are really good numbers above Warm River through the Canyon. Walking into Hatchery Ford or Riverside is a great idea for wade fishing. The Box Canyon has very few Salmon flies as of yesterday. Nymphs are all over the banks and that section is literally going to explode any day now.

As far as the lower river goes the majority of the hatch has moved through. Warm River to Ashton still seems to have more Salmon flies that below Ashton dam. However fish are still feeding on them. I was between Ora and Vernon yesterday from 2-6pm and we caught fish on Dries and I saw many fish rise while floating with my family. Other insects flying were lots of caddis, some Yellow Sallies, and a few PMD’s. These bugs will continue to hatch during the next few weeks and expect the fish to key into those hatches.

If your looking for a shuttle on the Henry’s Fork Idaho Irresistible in Ashton does a great job.


Henry’s Fork 5-25-13


The big attention getter right now is the giant stonefly “hatch.”  Folks come from far and wide to try for that big fish through using a big dry fly.   So some locations can become quite crowded.  Knowing this, I seek out locations sure to be less crowded.  Yesterday I walked into Hatchery Ford from Highway 20 to fish the west side of the river.  Two fly-fishers had walked in from the east side boat access, but they left early.   Only three boats came by  ( that won’t happen at Box Canyon, Warm River to Ashton or Ora to Chester!) during the time I fished.  Action began just after 2PM when big bugs were warmed enough to fly and deposit eggs.  Some olive duns, BWOs, midges and a number of caddis species were also active, but only small fish responding to them.  I did not catch a big number of fish, but had two “hogs.”  All fish I caught appeared to be in early stages of keying on the big bugs.  None were “full of bugs.”  Based on this experience I recommend that during the next few days Riverside Campground to Hatchery Ford will offer some terrific fishing with adult stonefly patterns whether you fish  from a boat or by wading.


Henry’s Fork 5-23

The Salmon flies are continuing to hatch in good numbers. This cold weather might slow things down a little. The hatch has started to move up the Canyon and bugs can be found at Hatchery Ford. The main portion of the hatch is still below Warm River. Caddis are still present on the river and make a great alternative fly when the trout are not keyed in on the Salmon Flies. We have some awesome patterns here at the shop for imitating both insects.

The water below Ashton Dam to Vernon bridge opens on Saturday morning. This is going to be a great section to float if you one of the first boats down the section. Lots of fish have not seen any flies all winter and they will be eager to eat some Salmon Flies on the surface.


Henry’s Fork 5-21

Well if you haven’t heard yet, the Salmon Flies are out in full force. You can expect to see good numbers of these stoneflies from Warm River down to Chester Dam. As the week progresses the hatch will begin to move up stream into Island Park. I am expecting Salmon Flies in Box Canyon for the Holiday weekend. The fish will key into the big dries for a few hours during the day. When the fish are not taking the big flies on the surface, fish with nymphs or try a caddis or Yellow Sallie. Streamers is also a good option for those slow times during the hatch. Remember that the fish gorge themselves on the nymphs and the adult flies. This is also the first major hatch that we see in this area and it brings a lot of anglers to the river. Mixing up the patterns or your fishing technique is a good option for showing the fish something different or interesting. That could make all the difference between a 2 fish day and an epic day. Don’t hesitate to call the shop if you have any questions.


Henry’s Fork 05-17-13

There have been good number of stone flies that have crawled out near Vernon Bridge, so the stonefly hatch is now underway. There are adults also out in the Warm River to Ashton stretch. In addition to adult stones, look for some caddis action. Some of the best dry fly fishing has been from late afternoon to evening.


Henry’s Fork 5-14

Fishing has continued to hold steady on the Henry’s Fork. Good hatches of Blue Wing Olives and March Browns on the upper river in Box Canyon. Warm River to Ashton and Vernon bridge down have had excellent hatches of Caddis and March Browns. The fish have been looking and eating dries. Nymphing and streamer fishing have also been very effective. If I were to nymph and I would be fishing 2 large and  heavy stonefly nymphs close to the bank. I am predicting we are still at least 10 days from seeing a Salmon Fly hatch. However I could be wrong and things might begin to happen earlier with this warm weather we have been experiencing. Regardless of the hatch the fishing has been really good and the Henry’s Fork is about to turn into it’s prime time for fishing.

They are still doing construction on the Fun Farm boat ramp, however you can still take a boat out at Fun Farm. With the flows up on the Fall River, we don’t recommend floating below Chester Dam until runoff on the Fall is over.


Henry’s Fork 5-6

Well the Caddis are hatching! Very good fishing this past weekend on the lower river from Warm River confluence to the Fun Farm. The caddis hatch is bringing all sizes of fish to the surface. The nymphing is also very good right now while you are waiting for the hatch to come off. The water below the Fall River confluence is a little off color but don’t let the discourage you from going. The fishing is still good and the water clarity is not that bad. This is going to change as things continue to warm up and we will keep you posted when that happens. The streamer fishing is also picking up, I had a good report of fish chasing streamers from Warm River to Ashton on Saturday. The flows on the river are normal for this time of year so make sure you get out there and get some fishing in. Be sure to swing by the shop or call us for any information or up to the minute reports.


Henry’s Fork 4-30

Lots of action on the Henry’s Fork right now! The Mothers Day Caddis have been hatching in huge numbers from Warm River to Ashton. Along with March Brown Mayflies and BWO’s. Below Ashton we have seen some Skwala’s, March Browns, and BWO’s with only a few caddis. Traditionally the caddis do not hatch in the huge numbers we see from Warm River to Ashton. The fish will still key on them below Ashton and you would be foolish to leave those flies at home. If you don’t feel like dry fly fishing you can always fish nymphs with an indicator. Caddis pupa, stonefly nymphs, and pheasant tails, or any other mayfly nymph will be effective.

This is my favorite time of the year to fish the Henry’s Fork. I love the caddis hatch and there are not very many people on the water compared to June. The fish are hungry and willing to eat. They haven’t seen very many flies and this time of year offers the oppertunity to catch some monster brown trout on the lower river. Take advantage of these warm windless spring days and go fishing!


Henry’s Fork

As with the Snake River drainage, snow pack in the Henry’s Fork drainage is at least 100% of normal.  This is more important news for the river below the  Warm River  confluence (Robinson Creek is a significant run-off stream) than above.  It suggests that Fall and Teton rivers will  be running with normal rather than less than normal run-off given that the rest of springtime is temperate or cool.  So plan your early season visit to the lower Henry’s Fork accordingly, and expect us to report on flow conditions that can influence fishing.


Henry’s Fork 4-16

Fishing is good and picking up. We had great reports of Blue Wing Olive hatches this weekend and I have been told the Mother’s Day Caddis are hatching! The Streamer action is also picking up. Right now is personally my favorite time to fish the Henry’s Fork. Nymphing is also good with stonefly nymphs and a variety of caddis, mayfly and midge nymphs.
