
Henry’s Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Fork (Page 48)

Henry’s Fork 3-26-13

Fishing on the Henrys Fork is really good right now.  I fished around Ashton and around Vernon bridge this week and did well on rubberlegs and various droppers.  Streamer fishing immediately below Chester dam has been good too with some nice fish being caught.


Henry’s Fork 3-25

The streamer fishing has been picking up on the lower river. I have not had any great reports on Blue Wing Olive’s, however I would make sure I had a good selection of BWO patterns in my fly box. Any day now we should start seeing good BWO hatches and fish feeding on the surface. Nymphing has also been effective with Rubberlegs and bead head nymphs.


Henry’s Fork

As far as we know floating Warm River to Ashton is still out of the question because of the boat ramp at Ashton is still covered in snow and self ice. The same goes for Vernon to Chester. As soon as this opens we will let know. There is good wade fishing on the Henry’s Fork right now. Midges and nymphs have been working the best. I would pack some Blue Wing Olives in my fly box if I was going fishing up there soon. With the warm weather this week it would not surprise me at all to see some BWO’s hatching.


Henry’s Fork 11-6-12

News here is that Ashton Dam construction is complete. Only clean-up and wrap-up actions remain.  Ashton Reservoir is being refilled with completion by the end of this year.  It looks like the fishery below the dam may not be impacted from construction activities.  Credit goes to Pacificorp for conducting construction in a manner that kept the fishery quality unharmed as much as possible.


Henry’s Fork 11-3-12

Now is the time on the lower river to present streamers for migrating browns and rainbows stalking up for the winter.  With daylight savings ending, late afternoon fishing becomes more convenient for being on the river when large fish are more active.


Henry’s Fork 10-30-12

Browns are active throughout the lower river, and streamers are the best way to encounter them especially under low light conditions.  For a change of pace try, BWO life cycle patterns especially during overcast conditions.


Henry’s Fork 10-27-12

Migrating brown trout are bringing action on the lower river.  The recent stormy weather seems made to order for fishing here.  On these stormy days BWOs are bringing action there and on the upper river. Now is also the time to pitch streamers in Box Canyon and the Tubs above Mack’s Inn, weather permitting.


Henry’s Fork 10-22-12

We fished the lower Henry’s Fork this weekend and had some good fishing. Nymphing was the most consistent, but if you had some clouds roll in and the wind wasn’t too bad, there were fish all over BWO’s. We caught fish on dries, but most of the nicer fish came on emergers dropped off the dry. Streamer fishing was also pretty good. All of the fish were in really good shape and were a lot of fun. Get out there while the weather is still decent!


Henry’s Fork 10-20-12

Some of the best fishing on the river is taking place from Vernon Bridge  to below Ashton Dam where streamer patterns are attracting migrating brown trout.  To enjoy this event be sure to have bright and somber patterns available.  Other than this, do not be concerned so much with specific patterns. Be more concerned with presentation and timing. During daytime fish typically hold up in deeper runs and holes. They migrate mostly during low light, so you are most likely to encounter them during early light or sunset and twilight. Stormy conditions can also be a good time to encounter these fish. Looks like those conditions will be upon us during the coming week, so consider a visit to this part of the river then.


Henry’s Fork 10-17-12

We just got an email from the Henry’s Fork  Foundation telling us that the flows out of Island Park Dam were recently dropped to 170cfs. The drop was agreed upon in last month’s Drought Management Planning meeting between the foundation, Idaho Fish and Game, the Bureau of Reclamation, and Fremont Madison Irrigation District. They are reducing the flows now to try and fill  the reservoir to ensure farmers with adequate water for next year. The flows will be raised again in the winter to provide more water for the young trout that need it to survive. We will update you all on any more information as we get it.


On another note the Ashton Dam project is nearly complete. Plans are to start filling the reservoir back up November 6th!
