
Henry’s Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Fork (Page 61)

Henry’s Fork 7-22-10

True to form this time of year, fishing on the lower river is slowing. Best approach is with nymphs and streamers.  With hoppers coming on, and the always present ants and beetles some good surface action can be found fro time to time here. On the upper river PMDs are decreasing in size and their spinner falls offer some action.  So do terrestrial patterns and soon hoppers will be in the mix to bring fish to the surface.


Henry’s Fork 7/13

Picking your water and what time you fish is very important to catching fish on the Henry’s Fork right now. The Box Cayon is nymphing really good. There are Caddis and Golden Stones on top as well. The Ranch is fishing very good in the mornings and evenings with Pale Morning Duns and Caddis. Warm River to Ashton the fish are eating stimulators, chernobyl ants, nymphs, PMD’s and Caddis. The fishing below Ashton Dam has slowed down quite a bit, and your best fishing in the evening hours. There is a good Spinner Fall of Pale Morning Duns, and there have been good Caddis hatches in the late afternoon. Expect things to be somewhat slow on the lower Henry’s Fork until we get some weather or the Hoppers start flying.


Henry’s Fork 7/5

Fishing on the Henry’s Fork continues to be the better dry fly fishing in our area. Good numbers of Green Drakes and Grey Drakes have been hatching on the river. Pale Morning Duns and Caddis have also been hatching in good numbers. Don’t forget about the Golden Stones, Yellow Sallies and the Flavs. This is a great time to be fishing the Henry’s Fork Right now.


Henry’s Fork 7-03-10

Gray drakes are emerging evenings on the lower river. So far there does not seem to be the huge numbers like last year’s event.  But there are enough of drakes to make a visit close to the Chester backwaters worthwhile.  Look for flavs to begin emerging and attracting fish soon on the Harriman reach.    Right now evening brown drake hatches are on going.  The river at and just above the Wood Road 16 access is a prime location.   With all the excitement over the progression of mayfly emergences here, most folks overlook that ant and beetle patterns can be effective just about any time.   Enough said!


Henry’s Fork 6/29

Wow! Fishing on the Henry’s Fork is soooooo goooood! This is the place to be if you love to fish dry flies. Every bug is out and fish are feeding! Golden Stones, Pale Morning Duns, Caddis, Green and Grey Drakes. The mayflies are hatching in the mid day and the Grey Drakes are hatching on the lower river in the evenings. The on down fall to great fishing is crowds. Everyone be nice to each other and remember its just fishing, common sense goes a long way, but so does saying “Hey I’m sorry.” For an up to the minute report call the shop and we can get you lined out.


Henry’s Fork 6/26

Everything is out on the Henry’s Fork! Golden Stones, Pale Morning Duns, Green and Grey Drakes, and Caddis. This is the prime time to be fishing dry flies on the Henry’s Fork. Warm River to Ashton and Ora Bridge down has been really good for fishing. The Ranch is fishing well and the Box is consistently producing fish. We have lots of different patterns that have been successful stop in the shop and we will get you hooked up…literally!


Henry’s Fork 6/23

The fishing on the Henry’s Fork is really good. Everything is hatching a little later than normal. Pale Morning Duns, and Caddis are in good numbers on the river. Green Drakes are also beginning to hatch in good numbers. We have reports of Green Drakes up to the Warm River Confluence. Golden Stones have been producing fish on the surface as well. To get away from the crowds fish in the morning and the evening time.


Henry’s Fork 6/21

On the lower river Caddis, Pale Morning Duns, Green Drakes and Golden Stones are the ticket for dry fly fishing. Mayfly hatches in the mid day and spinner falls in the evening with the caddis hatch. The water from the Fall River and the Warm River have lowered and the water clarity is good. The Box Canyon is still fishing well with nymphs and caddis dry flies. I would be fishing the Henry’s Fork in my spare time right now. This is the prime time to be on the Henry’s Fork, but it is also the prime time for crowds. Call the shop if you have any questions.


Henry’s Fork 6/18

This time of year is the best time to fish the Henry’s Fork. You can choose your poison, Nymphs, Dry Flies or Streamers. There are a lot of Pale Morning Duns and Caddis. You also have Golden Stones, and we are expecting the Drakes to hatch any day. As far as water clarity goes everything is looking good, the Fall River has dropped. Parker’s pick for the weekend are these five flies:

  • Parachute Adams
  • CFO Yellow Sallie
  • CFO Hummer Stone
  • Tan X Caddis
  • Harrops CDC Thorax Green Drake

Henry’s Fork 6/10

Fishing below the Chester dam right now is going to be marginal at best. The Fall River is still blown out and putting a lot of dirty water and debris into the system. I have been keeping an eye on the flows and the Fall River is dropping fast I would expect fishing below Chester to pick up this weekend at the earliest. This of course depends on how much rain we receive in the next few days. I have been told the Warm River has been putting dirty water into the Henry’s Fork, but I have not had a very reliable source on that information, so check it out before you float that section and have an alternative in mind. Ora Bridge to Chester, and Box Canyon are still running good and fishing well. Golden Stones, Caddis and Pale Morning Duns are fishing well on the surface. Call the shop if you have any questions.
