
Henry’s Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Fork (Page 62)

Henry’s Fork 6/8

The Henry’s Fork has some spots you will want to avoid right now. Below the Chester dam has been blown out, because of the record flows on the Fall River. Also Warm River to Ashton is really dirty right now because of the runoff from Warm River.  You can fish from Ora to Chester, and the Box Canyon. Golden Stones are staging, PMD’s are hatching as well as the Caddis. Don’t get to discouraged things will settle down in about a week and the Henry’s Fork will be back again and ready to roll. With increased traffic on the Henry’s Fork remember common courtesy goes a long ways. Call the shop with any questions.


Henry’s Fork 6-5-10

Big bugs are out all the way to Box Canyon.  Warm weather is coming, so look for them to be more active. Fish on the upper river have been exposed to them for a lesser time than those below.  So the Box and the reach from Riverside to Warm River could be just great. When the fish are really on the adults, pattern selection (other than choosing one that is visible in broken water) is not as important as placing the fly in the right place.  Watch for a fish rising repeatedly and with the right timing drop your fly just ahead of him.

Fall River has about doubled in flow because of recent heavy rains. This has slowed fishing below Chester Dam, so we suggest that locations above Chester dam will offer the best fishing.


Henry’s Fork 6/1

The Henry’s Fork was the place to be this past weekend. With the Salmon Flies hatching and the good water conditions the fish in that river saw a lot of anglers and boats. Now that the opening weekend is over, fishing mid week will produce the least amount of people and pressure on the fish, which means you will find it easier to catch more fish. Pale Morning Duns, Stoneflies, and Caddis are the ticket this week on the river. The big Stones will be hatching anytime in Box Canyon and some have already started to make an appearance. I was in the Box yesterday and we found success on rubberlegs, caddis pupa, and caddis on the surface. The stoneflies have moved up past Warm River and are in good numbers above Mesa Falls. Plan on seeing some drake in a week or two. This is the month to fish the Henry’s Fork, lots of good opportunities to fish dry flies.


Henry’s Fork 5-29-10

As of today giant stoneflies are out as far upstream as Mesa Falls.  But the cold, wet weather keeps them clinging to land.   Warm-up begins tomorrow, so look for them to be flying then.   Give the fish a day or so to catch on to the big bugs flopping on the water.   Then head to the Henry’s Fork from Warm River to Riverside and on to Box Canyon for some great dry fly fishing.   The trick will be to find where the fish are taking drifting adults big time.

Recommended Giant stonefly patterns  (size 4, 6) for Henry’s Fork

Berry’s Hedge Hog  Stone

Sofa Pillow (traditional and improved)

CFO Hummer


Joe’s Foam Stone

Dry Muddler

Rollin Adult Stone

Gould’s Half Salmonfly

Karnupp’s  Freestone Salmonfly


Henry’s Fork

Salmon Flies are out in really good numbers at Vernon bridge and Warm River to Ashton. With this cold weather I would not expect Salmon Flies in the Box Canyon for the opening day or weekend. However I would expect them about mid week if I had to guess. Lots of success on Stonefly nymphs in the morning and big dries in the afternoon. Put those Pale Morning Duns and Caddis in your fly box. If we get a nice afternoon those will hatch. If your having a hard time finding  fish to rise on the big Stone fly throw a golden stone to change up the look.


Henry’s Fork 5/20

The official word is the Stoneflies are out and crawling! You can find these bugs from the Vernon to Chester, and Chester to St. Anthony. They are also hatching from Warm River to Ashton. We are right at the beginning of the hatch so not every fish is up eating them. You will find a few hours during the day when the fish are up actively eating on top. Don’t be afraid to drop a huge stonefly nymph under the surface and fish the structure along the banks. I would put some Pale Morning Duns, Yellow Sallies and Caddis in my fly box, these flies will be hatching any time, and I expect to see them this weekend.

Remember which sections of water that are closed. Ashton Dam to Vernon Bridge, is closed until Memorial Day Weekend. Warm River is closed as well, but the Henry’s Fork is open above Warm River to Riverside campground.

Recommended Flies for the Henry’s Fork


  • CFO Hummer Stone
  • Berry’s Hedgehog
  • Rollin Stone Salomon Fly
  • Chubby Chernobyl


  • Pats Rubberleg Stonefly
  • Jimmy Leg Stonefly
  • Tungsten Yellow Sallie
  • Delekta’s Mega Prince
  • Bead Head Bubble Back Emerger PMD
  • Redemption Nymph PMD

Henry’s Fork 5/17

Got Salmon flies?

Henry's Fork Salmon Fly

That is the question we have been hearing a lot around here. So here is the news! We have had good reports of stonefly nymph activity around the Vernon Bridge and below the Chester Dam.  Warm River to Ashton has also had similar reports. The adults have not made an appearance yet but they are almost about ready to pop. Stay posted to the fishing report and we will let you know when that time does officially happen. If you were planning a day on the water I would look to the end of the week for those adults to be buzzing around. March Browns and Blue Wings are hatching in good numbers with fish eating them on the surface.


Henry’s Fork 5-14-10

The lower river (Warm River on downstream) is at its early season best.  Remember that it is closed from Ashton Dam to Vernon Bridge until general season opening to protect spawning ‘bows.  Here’s the ledger on what is active: BWOs in the PM with overcast conditions being best time.  March browns, same conditions best,  Caddis life cycle patterns and  yellow sallys, any time.  Streamers work well in evenings; concentrate on waters out of the sun and with overhead cover.  Big stonefly nymph patterns should be in your fly box and they will become increasingly important as we move through the next several days.  It’s early to see any adult giant stoneflies.  That’s  also several days away, but when we get word that fish are keying on them, we’ll pass it on as part of this report.


Henry’s Fork 5-4-10

Flow in the lower river has been mostly stable for many days.  Normally this would mean great fishing, but that cotton pickin’ wind messes things up except for very early mornings and just before dark.  We think the result is that caddis, BWOs, midges, and March browns emerging there end up in Yellowstone Park where the season is closed.    Nevertheless, early and late in the day when the wind slows should be a great time to pitch streamers.  Concentrate your casts on the shaded banks or near overhead cover.
