
Henry’s Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Fork (Page 66)

Henry’s Fork 8-24-09

The best times on the lower river are early and late in the day.  Streamers are a good choice either time with caddis life cycle patterns and hopper patterns effective during evenings.  Morning spinner falls can result in some action.  Small beadhead nymphs work during both times.   On the upper river there are several mayfly hatches including tricos, speckled duns, small PMDs, and a few mahogany duns.  But the best action can be found through fishing ant and other terrestrial patterns.  Best tactics for Box Canyon includes small beadhead nymphs and early and late day streamers.


Henry’s Fork 8-20-09

Evenings and early mornings are the times to be on the river. It is terrestrial insect season, so especially during late afternoons and evenings be sure to have patterns for these in your fly box.   Early AMs, look for trico spinner falls which will end just before mid day.  Evenings be sure to add caddis life cycle and streamer patterns.   Other than that an end to summer weather will bring improvements in fish activity, so tough things out the next four or five weeks and rewards will surely come.


Henry’s Fork 8-17-09

Summer heat has warmed the river such that evenings and mornings make for the best fishing anywhere.   Mayflies now play a relatively minor role in trout diets.  Expect this to be the case until we begin cooling off near the end of summer.   Most reliable exception would be trying terrestrial patterns in front of shaded banks, overhangs, undercuts, etc.  Streamers presented in the evening after sunset will be an increasingly effective option several places along the river anywhere big bows and browns reside.


Henry’s Fork 8-14-09

Throughout the river mornings and evenings are the best times for action.   Rusty spinners, terrestrial and caddis patterns are the ticket during these times of day.  Expect the lower river to be the warmest, but a well placed terrestrial pattern along features not in direct sunlight could bring a big trout to take anywhere.  Streamers at twilight will be your best chance for a big trout on the lower river or in Box Canyon, below Coffee Pot, or  in the Tubs.  Look for tricos to begin emerging any day now.


Henry’s Fork 8-10-09

Fishing is slowing down in these mid summer days. Terrestrial patterns are the best for fishing the lower river and pretty much the same for the upper river.   A great way to encounter big fish on the lower river is to try streamer patterns around banks, islands, and transitions after sunset.  This could be the same in Box Canyon and in the Coffee Pot area above Island Park Reservoir.


Henry’s Fork 8-05-09

Mid summer slow down is on unless you fish very early  or towards sunset and twilight.   That means caddisfly and streamer patterns. Try some speckled dun life cycle patterns on slower reaches.


Henry’s Fork 8-03-09

We are in the part of summer when particularly the lower river gets real tough unless you fish early mornings and evenings. Terrestrials are out in great numbers up and down the river, and they now offer the best chance for top water fun.  Presnt their patterns close to banks, especially those not in direct sunlight and those not far from deep water. Fish are spookier these days and will not venture far from cover during bright daytimes with warmer waters.


Henry’s Fork 7-27-09

The river is warming up throughout its range. This means best fishing is in early morning and during evening. PMDs are getting quite small (#20-24). Hoppers are beginning to show on the lower river, so add patterns for them to those you have for beetles, ants and other terrrestrials.


Henry’s Fork 7-22-09

It’s getting close to time to swtch to terrestrial patterns for the lower river. No significant hoppers yet, but beetle and ant patterns produce. PMDs are still around but getting smaller.  Yellow sallys are another  bug still present and effective, too.


Henry’s Fork 7-20-09

Drakes have come & gone  everywhere on the river. On the Harriman-Last Chance reach mornings and evenings offer the best fishing with PMDs in decreasing sizes (bring life cycle patterns in #18-#22) providing daytime action, then flavs bring evening action.  Hoppers are not significant yet, but ant and beetle patterns will bring action anywhere on the river. So will evening caddis flights.  On the middle and lower river, a few golden stones can still be seen, but sallys are more numerous, so medium and small stimulator and dry muddler patterns will work well.   Likewise, no hoppers of significance yet, but ant, beetle, and PMD life cycle patterns can bring action.  Don’t overlook streamer patterns if you will be on the river during evenings.
