
Henry’s Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Fork (Page 68)

Henry’s Fork 6-15-09

The lower river is coming alive with insects and fish are responding. Here’s the menu:  PMDs, sallys, caddis, golden stones and midges ongoing and attracting fish throughout.  Just beginning to emerge are green and gray drakes. The greens are beginning mainly on the Warm River to Ashton reach where the canyon walls hold daytime heat longer. The grays are beginning to appear mainly from Chester backwaters to Ashton Dam.  Give both of these some more time and warming weather to  attract fish big time.


Henry’s Fork 6-12-09

The best action the giant stonefly emergence offers here is gone for the year.  Cool wet weather put somewhat of a damper (no pun intended) on it here.  But the wise fly-fisher will carry a few adult patterns because  the most experienced fish will be looking for them for a while yet.  Soon goldens and PMDs will take over as the  “bugs of choice”.  This is already happening on the lower river where fish are responding to them. Let’s hope that it is followed by green drakes later this month.  But the big news is the “gray drake watch” along the lower river. These have begun emerging below Ashton Dam and soon will provide that great PM fishing that we all remember.   We will report progress here.  Come see us for the best patterns to use during this event.


Henry’s Fork 6-10-09

Pale Morining Duns have been hatching in great numbers below Aston Dam, Golden Stones and Yellow Sallies are also producing fish to rise. The Salmon Fly hatch in the Box Canyon is pretty much over, but don’t be afraid to continue to throw those big bugs. Fish will continue to rise to stonlies long after the hatch has moved thru. Caddis are out on the entire river fish dries and emerging caddis in the mornings or late afternoon to evenings. With these rainy and cloudy days try fishing some streamers to produce the big boy! Call us for an up to the minute report.


Henry’s Fork 6-08-09

Big news here is that PMDs and gray (just getting started) drakes are emerging on the lower river between Ashton and Chester backwaters.   Both of these will make afternoons and evenings the time to be on the river, especially when weather improves.  Get in touch with us for best fly patterns and strategy.   A few golden stones are around on the lower river in the same area and from Warm River to Ashton.   Caddisflies are everywhere.  The river below the Fall River confluence at Chester Dam is high and diascolored making for tough fly-fishing of any kind.  Not much is happening at Last Chance.  The cool wet weather has put a damper on the giant stonefly emergence in Box and Cardiac canyons. It snowed at Last Chance yesterday.  Fish in Box Canyon are responding to bead head nymphs and streamers.


Henry’s Fork 6-04-09

Giant stoneflies are crawling in Box Canyon, and adults are emerging from there on down to Warm River. Current problem is the cool, rainy weather is keeping them from flying and laying eggs.  You can see bugs laying low almost everywhere.  When skies clear, the sun comes out, and they warm up, there will be some GREAT fishing with those big floating patterns.  Don’t be concerned so much  with “which pattern to use”, be more concerned with putting them in the right location such as around stream banks, overhangs, rocks, and logs.  It’s been a while since nymphs have been available at locations in Cardiac Canyon (Hatchery Ford, Mesa Falls, Bear Gulch ), so when adults become active here, you will want to be at one of these whether you float through or walk in.  Bring caddis life cycle patterns to these locations as fish will respond to them too.  PMDs are showing in good numbers on the lower river, so add them to the BWOs, caddis and golden stones for attracting feeding trout.


Henry’s Fork 6-1-09

The giant stonefly emergence remains the big event here.  Adults are flying along the middle river (Riverside to Warm River) and should offer some good dry fly fishing.   Any day now adults should show in the Box Canyon.  On the lower river these bugs have emerged all they are going to, but golden stones are coming on.   No PMDs yet on the upper river, but there are March browns and caddis.

Please pay some thought to the incident at what we know as the Seely access we described in our 5-26-09 fishing report for the Henry’s Fork.  The new landowner is rightfully unhappy with the drift boat take out incidents that happened at the turn-around because those two acts are not only illegal, but damaged the spring between it and the river.  He has every right to close access here and may do so if this incident is repeated.  Please pass the word around that this is a possibility that could impact availability of a popular and excellent reach of the river.  You can spread the word that use of this access for float fishing is not legal.   If you use this access and see the landowner, you can score some points by thanking him for allowing trespass and by letting him know that you will tell other anglers that using his land for float fishing in put or take out is illegal.


Henry’s Fork 5-28-09

Stonefly emergence has moved into Cardiac Canyon.  So don’t overlook such as Bear Gulch, the Mesa Falls area, and Hatchery Ford. There will be some great action coming up somewhere around these places whether you float through or walk-in and wade.  Warm River to Ashton is a good option for dry fly fishing, so bring your favorite adult stonefly patterns.  The Grandview boat slide remains open until this fall, so using it to float to Warm River area is an option.  Don’t overlook PM caddis emergences in the canyon.  PMD’s are beginning to emerge on the lower river from Ashton Dam to Chester.   Below Chester, the river is high and discolored and will stay that way until Fall River run-off subsides.


Henry’s Fork 5-27-09

We continue to get great reports from the Henry’s Fork and the fishing. The stonefly hatch is moving up the river and people have been reported fish eating stonefly adults from Warm River down to Chester Dam.  We received a email from a customer who had run into the owner of the Henry’s Fork Ranch, which is the Seely’s access below the Vernon Boat Ramp.  We have been asked to pass this information and we feel it is important. This is what he had to say:

The owner of the Henry’s Fork Ranch visited with me Monday morning & wanted me to notify as many as I could about the parking arrangement at the end of his driveway just upriver from Chester ( The old Seely Boat Ramp) … Bill said on Sunday that two Drift Boats were drug up the bank & loaded at this location making a mess out of the natural spring that flows into the river there. He wanted to make it clear that he doesn’t mind the parking as long as it doesn’t become a problem.  However launching, & retrieving your boat from this site is prohibited.  He mentioned if this misuse continues he will no longer allow parking. I think that it is sad to still hear & see people who abuse the good nature of the land owners private, or public. When I talk to, or hear from those who criticize, & complain about the land owners who deny access to Public lands or River/ Water shed access via Private lands, I laugh & tell them that we ( Sportspersons & Anglers ) are loosing more & more access every year through the thoughtless actions, poor decisions, & negative behavior of a few individuals who obviously could care less about good Stewardship, & Ethical Sportsman like conduct. Such disregard  is the main reason we are suffering loss of access & will continue to suffer.

Here at Jimmy’s All Seasons Angler we know that none of our customers would be guilty of activities that could deny future access.  We also know that our customers love to fish, and they are always on the water. We would like you ask you all to help protect our privileges from these generous land owners, and help us educated individuals who are not aware of these regulations, rules and land owner points of view. To make our stance clear on this situation we are not advising you to get into a physical confrontation.  We are only asking you all to help us educate others by informing them in a appropriate, tactful manner. Always feel free to contact land owners or the proper authorities, especialy if you feel uncomfortable. Remember that common sense and courtesy go a long way on the river and may even sustain the access you need to enjoy it.


Henry’s Fork 5-26-09

Salmon Fly Adult

There Here!

You can find these guys crawling around the lower Henry’s Fork and expect to see these guys starting to move up the canyon above warm river. The Box did not have any nymphs staging yet, expect them to be moving this week. Use the Hummer stone, Improved Sofa Pillow, or a Rolling Stone all in a size 4. Caddis are hatching as well, the Harrops Grey CDC Caddis was working very well this weekend. Nymphing is still a good option as well. A #4 rubberleg with a beadhead dropper. As more people continue to fish on the river remember common sense and a little courtesy goes a long ways. Be sure to call the shop for an up to the minute fishing report.


Henry’s Fork 5-25-09

Stoneflies are out in force below Ashton Dam.  Up to now, big nymph imitations have brought best success, but some fish are beginning to take dries.   From Warm River to Ashton, fish are responding well to big stonefly nymphs.  Look for fish to begin taking dries here later this week.  Don’t forget that caddis life cycle patterns will work well.  Flows above and below Ashton Dam are a bit above normal but constant. The river is a bit discolored from Warm River to Ashton, but not enough to impact fishing.   Box Canyon remains a bit slow, but a few fish are responding to deep nymphs and streamers.  No stonefly nymphs moving in significant numbers to date.  Fall River run-off still makes for poor fishing below Chester Dam unless you have a boat and are willing to fish deep.
