
Henry’s Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Fork (Page 69)

Henry’s Fork 05-23-09

In the last couple of days the big stonefly nymphs have crawled out of the river from Ashton dam down to the Chester area. The dry fly fishing should start now but it might take a day or two for the fish to get on the big dries. The hatch will move upstream now before reaching box canyon in a week or so. We are going fishing for a couple of days so we’ll have some good information on Tuesday.


Henry’s Fork 5-21-09

Big stonefly nymphs are beginning to move on the lower river.   We have reports from folks seeing a few nymphs here and there from Warm River to top of Chester backwaters.  That bodes well for this weekend if one enjoys pithcing big stonefly nymphs.  Use sink tip lines, and try your favorite giant stonefly nymph pattern. Don’t forget that caddis life cycle patterns could also be effective, especially later in the day.  Although likely that it will be crowded, don’t overlook Box Canyon.  Both caddis life cycle and big stonefly nymphs could be effective here.


Henry’s Fork 5-18-09

Fall River has gone up to around 2500 cfs and likely will go higher today.  This means the Henry’s Fork below Chester Dam is not the place to fish for now because of high, cold, and roily water.  Now for the river above.  Flows below the Ashton Dam are stable but a bit higher than normal.  Above Ashton Reservoir some run-off is coming in from Robinson Creek.  We tried the river just below Vernon Bridge (second bridge below Ashton Dam) Saturday.  San Juan worms and big rubber legs worked well when fished deep.  We DID NOT see giant stonefly nymphs along stream edges.  Most likely that should begin in significant numbers late this week.  Nevertheless, because we did well on the big rubberlegs patterns there must be some nymphs available to fish in deeper water.  We’ll pass on any more info we have on the Henry’s Fork stonefly emergence before Memorial Day weekend.


Henry’s Fork 5-14-09

It’s a bit early for big stoneflies to be moving. Give a week or so and the nymphs will begin showing up in good numbers along shorelines above the Chester backwaters.  We’ll place info here on the stonefly hatch progress as soon as we receive it.  Right now the river below Chester Dam-Fall River confluence is not good fishing because of Fall river’s run-off.  Upstream there is some discolor especially above Ashton Reservoir. Currently nymphing and presenting streamers is the best way to find action almost everywhere the river is open to fishing above Chester.


Henry’s Fork 5-11-09

For now forget the river below the Fall River confluence-Chester Dam. The river above remains good fishing but is rising some because of run-off.  This week looks to be cool & windy, so run-off should not increase to make the river unfishable.   Streamers and nymphs presented on sink-tip lines will bring the best action.


Henry’s Fork 5-07-09

Our spring wind is making it difficult to take advantage of the dry flies on the Henry’s Fork. Not only does it depress the amount of emerging insects, it quickly whisks them away from the surface.  Early mornings and evenings, if the wind dies, can make for some good fishing.  All this also applies to the caddis emergence.  Look for streamers presented near cover, overhangs, and off sheltered banks to provide some action.   Fall River remains high and holds discolored water.  The Henry’s Fork below Chester Dam receives it, and  therefore does not offer fishing as good as upstream reaches.


Henry’s Fork 5-04-09

The river is running a bit high, but is quite fishable from Warm River to Chester (except for closed area from Ashton Dam to Vernon Bridge). Caddis life cycle, BWO life cyle patterns during PMs, nymphs and streamers bring action.  Fall River has introduced run off from recent rain/snow storms which will slow fishing a lot below Chester.


Henry’s Fork 5-01-09

Fishing on the Henry’s Fork is holding up really well. Blue Wing Olive’s, March Brown’s and Caddis are hatching in good numbers on the river. Big rubberlegs are working very well under an indicator, as well as caddis pupas, and mayfly nymphs. The water on the fall river has cleared up this week because of the cold weather. Expect this water to start to get dirty again when the weather warms up making fishing below Chester Dam very hard. The Henry’s Fork offers the best wading oppertunities right now in the area. As we continue to get closer to Memorial Day weekend we will keep you updated on hatches.


Henry’s Fork 4-27-09

Flow in the lower river has been stable the last few days, and is likely to remain so with the upcoming cool weather. Fishing success has been a bit spotty, especially below Chester Dam and the Fall River confluence. Recently  BWOs and caddis are the main emerging insects.  Streamers are always a good bet in the early eason, especially if one concentrates on presenting them near stream edges out of direct light. This means evenings, early mornings, and other low light conditions are the best times for action.


Henry’s Fork 4-24-09

The Henry’s Fork remains to be one of the few options of moving water for trout fishing. Fall River has blown out due to runoff. Fishing above Chester Dam is your best option for clean water. You can float Vernon to Chester, or Warm River to Ashton. Remember that fishing above Vernon bridge is closed until Memorial Day Weekend.

We have had good reprots of Caddis and Blue Wing Olives hatching on the river. Nymphing a rubberleg in a size 4-8 has been extrmely effective these last few weeks.  Drop a caddis pupa or a bead head nymph below that rubberleg. Feel free to call the shop for any questions or up to the minute reports.
