
Henry’s Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Fork (Page 72)

Henry’s Fork 9-25-2008

The whole river is starting to have really good Blue Wing Olive hatches. The Box Canyon is nymphing really good and large fish are being caught on rubber legs, with mayfly nymphs. This is also the time of year you will want to have some streamers in your fly box. As the weather gets colder and we get closer to winter those trout will want to beef up for winter. The Henry’s Fork is also experiencing small crowds. Great time of the year to hook a big rainbow or a Henry’s brown!

Henry’s Fork 9-29-2008

BWOs continue to provide action throughout the river. During bright days, late afternoons and evenings are best times to experience them, but when cloudy weather prevails BWOs will be out all day, so be sure to have BWO life cycle patterns in your fly box. Box Canyon provides the best nymphing on the river. Use big stonefly nymphs with a bead head copper john or other such pattern. Streamer patterns are now very important for fishing success, particularly on the lower river. Specific pattern is not as important, except that one should have some in light colors and some in dark colors. Concentrate fishing streamers on low light areas where ever you are on the river.


Henry’s Fork 9/29

BWOs continue to provide action throughout the river. During bright days, late afternoons and evenings are best times to experience them, but when cloudy weather prevails BWOs will be out all day, so be sure to have BWO life cycle patterns in your fly box. Box Canyon provides the best nymphing on the river. Use big stonefly nymphs with a bead head copper john or other such pattern. Streamer patterns are now very important for fishing success, particularly on the lower river. Specific pattern is not as important, except that one should have some in light colors and some in dark colors. Concentrate fishing streamers on low light areas where ever you are on the river.


Henry’s Fork 9/25

The whole river is starting to have really good Blue Wing Olive hatches. The Box Canyon is nymphing really good and large fish are being caught on rubberlegs, with mayfly nymphs. This is also the time of year you will want to have some streamers in your fly box. As the weather gets colder and we get closer to winter those trout will want to beef up for winter. The Henry’s Fork is also experiencing small crowds. Great time of the year to hook a big rainbow or a Henry’s brown!


Henry’s Fork 9/22

The lower river now features a great BWO emergence. The same should happen soon on the upper river. During cloudy times like today, this will be a day long event resulting in good action. As we move further into autumn, streamers will become more important in such spots as Box Canyon, below Ashton Dam, Chester backwaters, below Chester Dam, and around St. Anthony. So be sure to have streamers in that fly box when you visit the “Fork” this time of year.


Henry’s Fork 9/11

Island Park is cooling off, and BWOs are beginning to show on the river there during cloudy and stormy times. Trico spinners offer some early action, but it’s been relatively slow fishing on the upper river, so this will make for a welcome change. Evening caddis flights are going on up and down the river, and they result in some late day action. There are still plenty of hoppers all along the river, so keep those hopper patterns in your fly box.


Henry’s Fork 9/8

Cooler weather should help action pick up. Look for tiny BWOs coming out on the lower river. Terrestrial patterns can still be effective on the lower river when fished around cover late in the afternoon, but frosty nights are becoming more common on the upper river, so hoppers etc will become less numerous at higher elevations. Look for streamer patterns to become more important as the days move into autumn.


Henry’s Fork 9/5

Some speckled duns and tricos remain around Last Chance-Harriman. Some tiny BWOs are out on the lower river. Evening caddis flights provide action throughout the river. In most places terrestrials patterns will provide best action during daytime.


Henry’s Fork 9/2

Flows have been dropping out of Island Park Reservoir making for tough fishing in Box Canyon. At Last Chance-Harriman, speckled duns and tricos are still providing some activity in the morning with terrestrials giving action during mid day. In the evening the caddis emergence provides some action. From Warm River to Ashton presenting big nymph patterns brings the best action, while below Ashton Dam action has slowed. Terrestrial patterns will be your best bet there for action.


Henry’s Fork 8/29

We sure need some cool weather to bring back fishing action along “The Fork”. Spotty conditions have prevailed, but September is the month in which we begin seeing more activity from fish. Later this month look for BWOs to bring action along the lower river. Streamers are always a good bet for Box Canyon, the Tubs, and when float fishing anywhere on the lower river.
